• Democracy is 51 percent of the people telling the other 49 percent how to live. That's why democracy never works and we in the US live in a Republic and have a constitution which protects individual rights from the mob rule mentality of a democracy. Both types of government were considered and a Republic was chosen for that very reason.
  • Because what the majority wants isn't always constitutional or fair.
  • power and greed.
  • The purpose of law and government is to protect the rights of the minority, the majority will always protect itself. This is why we live in a Democratic Republic... we are ruled by laws, not mob rule.
  • All of the above, plus someone has to help keep them educated as to the error of their spending ways and help keep a balanced check book something we never ever see again unfortunately.
  • The majority doesn't always have the best ideas. That's how George W. Bush has become president twice! First time: Okay, everyone can make a mistake... Second time: What the heck is wrong with you people?!
  • pure democracy is the will of the people, we have a republic that must protect the rights of the minority
  • Sometimes there is an agenda, such as communist countries or sympathizers, wanting to keep a dictator in power, despite the fact that the will of the people and the countries laws want him out. "While thousands of Hondurans take to the streets almost daily to protest the ouster, LARGER crowds often demonstrate in favor of the coup." "So while Obama might find the ouster of Chavez’s “mini-me” to be “illegal” and “unacceptable,” the Honduran constitution and people don’t agree." ~Obama Is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong About Honduras Pajamas Media ^ | July 12, 2009 | Jennifer Rubin Also, the majority may have elected Obama, but people who are paying attention to the facts may want to call attention to what is really going on. Such as the Tea Parties alerting people to the fact that Cap n' Trade is the most job killing bill ever passed: "• Compared to no cap and trade, real GDP losses increase an additional $2 trillion, from $7.4 trillion under the original draft to $9.6 trillion under the new draft; • Compared to no cap and trade, average unemployment increases an additional 261,000 jobs, from 844,000 lost jobs under the original draft to 1,105,000 lost jobs under the new draft; and • Peak-year unemployment losses rise by 500,000 jobs, from 2 million under the original draft to 2.5 million under the new draft." ~ The fact that man-made global warming is a hoax has been proven incorrect is not widely distributed by the mainstream media. People continue to listen to the misinformation put forth in schools and by the government. few people know that: Global tempuratures have dropped .7 degrees since "Inconvenient truth" hit the theatres. The Arctic may be heating slightly, but the Antarctic is gaining much more ice. The is definately no consensus on global warming. In fact, 31,000 scientists do NOT believe it compared to the 1200 thst made the highly political and questionable IPCC report on it. ~ The founder of the Weather Channel does not believe it is true. Al Gore has been caught in lie after lie and much hypocrisy. He only got a D in his Natural Sciences 6 (Man's Place in Nature) class. ~ It is well known that his house uses 14 to 20 times the electricity of the average American. He has profited to the tune of 100-150 million dollars promoting Global Warming. "Mother, should I trust the government?"
  • To prevent the tyranny of the majority, that's why. The Democrat majority in Congress wants to impose taxes not just on the minority but on about three generations to come--who don't get to vote on it. The men who wrote the Constitution intentionally put in many checks to stop a majority from riding roughshod over the minority. Best example is the electoral college, without which the big cities would dictate to everybody else, and tax the countryside and suburbs without giving anything in return, as is done in some other countries.
  • Democracy really does not mean much when an imported surragate population is used as a voting block for another imported surragate population to gain control over what does not belong to them in the first place it just a legitimized form of invasion, and no matter how hard you try and make it look legal and rewrite history tp suit your own ends and use "Identity Theft" as well as a number of "Other TActics" the fact is that it cannot be hidden or legitimized and sticking guns in someones face to agree with you or "Conform" / Convert does not work either and I personally would rather see it all destoryed rather than see it continue at our expense anymore, period theft is theft no matter how "Legal" or by how many say that it isn't by what ever means they wish to use are just liars which is no surprise and where exacly is it written that we allow any group of international criminals to govern us within the boundries of our own country ... ~Nemo~
  • Sometimes the "will of the people" is being led and schooled by an elite few to their own detriment. I'll give you an example. A neighboring town, which is primarily a rural agricultural community, was trying to build a stockyards on the edge of town. The stockyards would have replaced an old, dirty stockyards several miles down the road that was drawing heavy truck traffic down a road along the edge of town. The road the trucks were using was a narrow, two lane road and was quite a dangerous place to have fast moving semis, but there was no other way for them to get there. The stockyard had been built by a railway when railroads were king and the railroad had died out, leaving it to be serviced by the trucks on the unsuitable road. The replacement stockyard was to be state of the art in every way, green and clean with built in manure disposal and fly control. It was to be located right on the interstate interchange, so that the semis would never need to be on the local road. Local farmers could bring their livestock in pickups and goosenecks, which could handle to local roads and the semis would never need set a wheel on the local roads. A grassroots organization rose up overnight and fought a bitter and mean battle which included death threats against the mayor. After several years, they succeeded in defeating it. After the defeat, it came out that the group was secretly being led by two farm owners whose property boardered the stockyard and a developer who wanted the land to build a housing development. The locals didn't even know they were in it or had an ulterior motive. The arguments that they'd used to fight off the stockyards were ridiculous. One claim was that the stockyard would bring heavy trucks through the middle of town. There is a railroad grade through the middle of town on which any livestock carrier would high center and be hung. It isn't physically possible for those trucks to go through town. The will of the majority was being formed and led by an elite few with an ulterior motive in this case, as it often it. The obstructionists are sometimes aware of what is going on and trying to prevent a train wreck.

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