• You wont get your period... Heres some more info:
  • That would probably depend on the type of birth control you are on. If you are pregnant then you probably won't get your period. Lack of a period is usually the first sign of pregnancy. Take a test to see and end the suspence.
  • You will not (likely) get your period (it is possible but not at all common to menstruate will pregnant). However, if you are on an oral contraceptive that allows you to menstruate only 4 times per year, you would not be able to use menstruation as a sign. There are a number or signs or symptoms of pregnancy, including breast tenderness, fatigue, and changes in appetite. EARLY SIGNS OF PREGNANCY • 10. Tender, swollen breasts • 9. Fatigue • 8. Implantation bleeding • 7. Nausea or vomiting • 6. Increased sensitivity to odors • 5. Abdominal bloating • 4. Frequent urination • 3. A missed period • 2. Your basal body temperature stays high • 1. The proof: A positive home pregnancy test From: Be aware that taking oral contraceptives may also produce some similar symptoms, including bloating, and may skew a urine base home pregnancy test. Other drugs can cause false positives in pregnancy tests. If you think you may be pregnant, see you doctor or visit a local Planned Parenthood for affordable care. Check out this excellent page from the Mayo Clinic:
  • Pregnancy Test?
  • Take a pregnacy test,then go to a doctor to confirm it.
  • Go take a pregnancy test and find out. Pretty simple. Good luck!
  • Pregnancy tests are cheaper these days. The last one I bought for my wife cost me $4.00. Try one of those...
  • I'm guessing you are looking for a list of symptoms? Everyone is different of course, but here is basic list.
  • You pee on a stick. There are a gagillion "signs and symptoms" of pregnancy. If they were 100% conclusive, TLC wouldn't have the show "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant"
  • If you give birth to a baby in about 9 months, then you are pregnant:)

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