• No. They should be extended to other office holders. I think nobody should be in a single position of power for more than about ten years. Which would mean limits of two terms for the Senate, five for the House of Representatives. And no return (via another seat, for example) for five years.
  • I'm sure they will be soon :-) Term limits is a JOKE anyway ... all politicians are career criminals ... they just move to another type or level of corruption: from city to county to state to federal, etc. Term limits should be for the life of the individual, not related to a specific office held. This would fix government forever.
  • 1) What would you prefer? Barack Obama forever? Or George W. Bush forever? And how would you react if you get just the opposite? 2) "A term limit is a legal restriction that limits the number of terms a person may serve in a particular elected office. Term limits are found usually in presidential and semi-presidential systems as a method to curb the potential for dictatorships, where a leader effectively becomes "president for life". There are different types of term limits. Sometimes, there is an absolute limit on the number of terms a person can serve, while, in other cases, the restrictions are merely on the number of consecutive terms a person can serve." Source and further information:
  • Sure. Let's call for a Constitutional Amendment making dictatorship legal, we ain't that far anyway
  • No, and no one's trying to accomplish that. Unlimited term limits results in something like a monarchy. A good president can lead for eight years. That's enough to get a great deal accomplished.
  • No. Fixed terms and limits are a good idea that other countries, want to copy. It restricts the damage one person or party can do.
  • No, term limits are a good and necessary idea. I am more concerned with the costs of national elections. The political campaign season lasts forever these days and the cost of elections are out of control. I would like to see them cap the amount of money that can be spent on a campaign (that is why candidates from third parties never have a chance to be competitive). About the only change in term limits I could accept is possibly to add a fifth year to a term, instead of four year terms. That would possibly give someone a full decade if they won twice, and a decade is plenty of time to get things done.
  • Yes. The Republicans were pissy about FDR getting reelected so much.
  • No, that would lead to having the same poor choices all the time. I think they should maintain a 95% approval rating to even get to run a second time.
  • No, but I think they should be extended to 14 years.
  • Nope and term limits should be placed on for Senators and House of Represenives as well.
  • No. I like the post suggesting 95% approval rating to run again. Maybe not QUITE that high. 75% maybe?
  • No,it would be like having a king. +4
  • No. Even if they were and the same president was elected over and over again by a popular vote, that could still be dangerous to liberty.
  • Im torn on this. There were never any term limits originally in the constitution, so theres really nothing constitutionaly wrong with it. Also if a politician does a great enough job, i think the people should have the right to elect him for as long as he has done a good job. However with the partisan nature of our system , it would be hell for me to have to live under the democrats for 20+ years, but it could also be a republican for 20+ years, so id have to lean toward yes, there should be no term limits,but each party should be closely watched to prevent any funny business.
  • NO...i think assasination attempts would go up...people would feel they have no hope for things to change for the better...

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