• WEll, i guess the taste buds like the taste, as far as bad for them i think it is the amount it gets
  • WEll, i guess the taste buds like the taste, as far as bad for them i think it is the amount it gets
  • Because it's creamy, a little salty (yes, salty), and your dog likes it the same reason that humans do. From my experience, at least my dog will throw up if she eats it. So, I wouldn't give your dog too much. I don't think little bits are too bad though.
  • Dogs, despite being primarily meat eaters, are also very much omnivores in their tastes. They are physically designed to eat and process meat, but often enjoy and benefit from other foods as well. The key, as it is with humans...MODERATION! Very small amounts of cheese can be fine for MOST dogs (some do not tolerate the fats, or the lactose) as a training treat. But I am speaking of VERY SMALL amounts. With dogs, it's all about the smell impact = treat value. Bits the size of a pencil eraser head ARE considered high value to a dog...Goat's cheese may be slightly better than Cow cheese in nutritional value.
  • I think it wants to eat pizza.
  • Since it really is just the smell that attracts them, I always let my dog lick my fingers after handling cheese. This totally satifies his craving for it, he feels content since he has licked the fingers clean and I don't have to worry about him not being able to digest diary well, or a possible allergic reaction.
  • Dogs are prone to likely almost anything that comes from an animal, liver, kidney, and as cheese comes from milk which in turn comes from an animal, they generally like it too. Also lots of salts are added to cheeses these days to make it taste "better" and dogs love salty foods.
  • Might give him/her the runs.
  • just be careful..cause if makes the fart..not pleasant at all
  • Same with my dog, here's a site to help you out what a dog SHOULDN'T eat:
  • I'm with REDHAWK on this's the smell more than the taste. It's high in calcium, which dogs need...but as a treat or when training. Much cheese is full of preservatives...your pet doesn't need that - (neither do you, actually).

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