• yes or multiply by 100
  • Yes, your examples are correct. "The fundamental concept to remember when performing calculations with percentages is that the percent symbol can be treated as being equivalent to the pure number constant 1 / 100 = 0.01. , for an example 35% of 300 can be written as (35 / 100) × 300 = 105. To find the percentage of a single unit in a whole of N units, divide 100% by N. For instance, if you have 1250 apples, and you want to find out what percentage of these 1250 apples a single apple represents, 100% / 1250 = (100 / 1250)% provides the answer of 0.08%. To calculate a percentage of a percentage, convert both percentages to fractions of 100, or to decimals, and multiply them. For example, 50% of 40% is: (50 / 100) × (40 / 100) = 0.50 × 0.40 = 0.20 = 20 / 100 = 20%. It is not correct to divide by 100 and use the percent sign at the same time. (E.g. 25% = 25 / 100 = 0.25, not 25% / 100, which actually is (25 / 100) / 100 = 0.0025.)" Source and further information:

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