"You're so saintly you're practically an angel, and there's no other place for you than heaven. You are always concerned with doing the right thing. You consider being a good person a joy... not a burden. You're not perfect, and you don't expect anyone else to be. You are ethical without being sanctimonious about it. You are happy with yourself and the decisions you've made. And that's what's important. " Yeah right
Heaven. Yes! YES!
This place is da** hot!!!
You're so saintly you're practically an angel, and there's no other place for you than heaven. You are always concerned with doing the right thing. You consider being a good person a joy... not a burden. You're not perfect, and you don't expect anyone else to be. You are ethical without being sanctimonious about it. You are happy with yourself and the decisions you've made. And that's what's important.
Going to hell is fine with you. You're not sure if you even believe in hell. And if there is a hell, it's probably a pretty fun place! You rather be stuck with the troublemakers. Life is short, so why wouldn't you live it up? Being good is incredibly boring. You're not going to miss out on anything in life... even if you have to lie, steal, or cheat to get it.
You're so saintly you're practically an angel, and there's no other place for you than heaven. You are always concerned with doing the right thing. You consider being a good person a joy... not a burden. You're not perfect, and you don't expect anyone else to be. You are ethical without being sanctimonious about it. You are happy with yourself and the decisions you've made. And that's what's important. I clicked the non-believer option and am still going to Heaven? Cool.
I don't believe the quiz will tell me the real answer: Jesus told his disciples, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6).
I got heaven from the quiz... Lets just wait and see what the big guy has to say. :)
Hell. Typical.
Dont need to take a test for that answer. I'm most definately going to hell.If it exists anyway.
I wish it were just according to that test.:)
John 14:6
Heaven according to that quiz. Not bad for an atheist...
Well hell, Im going to Heaven. LOL
I am going to heaven based on what I believe concerning Jesus Christ. On the basis of God's Word, which is what my faith is based upon, I cannot earn my way into heaven. See Ephesians 2:8,9; and Titus 3:5. "For it is by grace you have been saved through faith---and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God---not by works, so that no one can boast." To go to heaven we must believe and trust that Jesus Christ paid our sin debt and that by believing we may have life in His name. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me."
Hell, apparently.
I'm going to Heaven.
I think I'll goto hell... because that's where all my friends will be.
Heaven, but just barely. :)
Are there only two answers (one for heaven and one for hell)? You're so saintly you're practically an angel, and there's no other place for you than heaven. You are always concerned with doing the right thing. You consider being a good person a joy... not a burden. You're not perfect, and you don't expect anyone else to be. You are ethical without being sanctimonious about it. You are happy with yourself and the decisions you've made. And that's what's important.
wow i'm going to heaven apparently. Pffft, if i can get in, anyone can. +3 :)
Mine is quite the conondrum: I know I'm going to hell cause the X-ians tell me so all the time but that means that I'll have to spend all eternity in their company...what should I do?
I think these quizzes can let a lot of spam filter in. Beware.
That's weird because I thought at least 4 of those questions I answered in that quiz would have surely given me a one way ticket to hell but no, it said I was going to heaven, interesting but not very shocking to an atheist such as myself...
WEll i took the quiz but i didn't need it to tell me I'm going to hell. Especially since I don't even think that heaven or hell exist, that's an automatic fail.
I'm going to heaven! Woo Hoo!
yay i'm goin to heaven! :)
You Are Going to Heaven You're so saintly you're practically an angel, and there's no other place for you than heaven. You are always concerned with doing the right thing. You consider being a good person a joy... not a burden. You're not perfect, and you don't expect anyone else to be. You are ethical without being sanctimonious about it. You are happy with yourself and the decisions you've made. And that's what's important. Is this just a little sickly sweet?? NOBODY is as perfect as this makes me out to be!!!! I think i need to let my hair down a bit and kick some dust up!!!+6
I'm not going to either because they're both imaginary places.A quiz won't have any effect either way.
According to the quiz, Heaven.
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