• Two blocks down, on the left, there's a psychiatric hospital. Check yourself in!
  • ok... obviously you have nothing to worry about with his sister and mom... your probably just jealous of the attention he gives them sometimes.... but these little things you have to let go of let me tell you its not worth stressing or being in a relationship where you are constantly on guard for cheating... if you think he will cheat on you why are you dating him... if you dont think he will then stop worrying. its not worth it. if he cheats on you... it still wasnt worth it.
  • u suffer frm deep insecurities. I suggest you get professional help, it could do urself some good. During this time you'll find things out, probly accurances in your childhood that have to do with your jealousy now.
  • you might need professional help. No man should ever put up with that drama.
  • You need a good shrink. ASAP.
  • Jealousy is an indication of insecurity. To cultivate a healthy relationship, each person first has to be confident in themselves and able to exist as a whole person on their own before giving themselves to another person. You are looking to your boyfriend to give you esteem and confidence. That won't ever happen. You need to find that in yourself. Counseling sounds like a great idea for you. If you can't afford that, there are probably some good books out there that can help you gain insight and give you tools to become less insecure. Good luck.
  • You will be single soon if you keep acting like that. You can not worry over something you have no control. If he is to stray, he will regardless of your watchful eye. If you keep acting like you say in your question, it is almost certain he will tire of you and break up or worse find comfort in another before he breaks up.
  • well, u realize and admit the problem....thats what it takes to help yourself....the next is to realize the 'evil' of jealousy and wanting to be anyone's, even a child wanting to be a parents ,sole FOCUS....this kind of jealousy and attention seeking is an ABSOLUTE 'HELL' for anyone to LIVE with , of a wife or husband...i know, i lived a DESTRUCTIVE NEGATIVITY no one should have to deal with....its your psychological problem ..... but like i said ,u admit it, & you realize its wrong and you are this way....but it can be CHANGED....but only by with it and yourself , one step at a time, everyday....same as an alcohol takes u and your own self awareness and control....its always helps and is easier if u do have ,a counselor, to talk to and that could be a friend even that u open up to....even ur man ....he could help...but u would probably wear him down and away..because he'd want to help but u would turn it more into a CONSTANT having to console u and ur insecurities...and thats not i think u should seek counseling,someone who could be objective and make u even more aware ,when u are really being ABNORMAL, OVERBOARD... and use the Lord's prayer.SELF strength,wisdom and all u need and HE can help husband was this way...but not as bad as u....not of family for pete's sake.....or the 'attention seeking' insecutrity.... u are also selfish...not a sharing person...thats a bad ,bad,character trait also..... i wish u the best , and hope u make this journey...otherwise , it will eat u alive and those around u.....thatsJustme:)
  • I'm not going to put you down for recognizing a problem and wanting to deal with it. (Aside to AB responders: Come on, you guys, this is a cry for help from someone who knows she has a serious problem and wants to correct it. Lighten up!) But I don't think that anything we can tell you here, and the advice that usually applies ("grow up!", "snap out of it!", and so forth) will work for you. Obviously you know that this is corrosive to a healthy relationship, and obviously you know that your feelings of jealousy and insecurity are way over the top. In a lot of cases it's true that partners do things that trip the triggers of loved ones, and they should try to recognize and correct some of their own more annoying and overt behaviors. But it's not fair to your husband that he have complete blinders on when it comes to ALL other women, including singers that he never meets, and female members of his own family. I don't often recommend "professional help", but in this case I think it's warranted. You aren't likely to learn "relaxation techniques" or "coping strategies" from us. You need to identify, find and deal with the issues in your life that make you THIS jealous.

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