• I think I would. I feel I am a fair person and I really listen and as for worldly knowledge I am just full of it. Or at least full of something.
  • Although I have at least read the many law books of my country (something everyone should do, but very few actually do), I do not know enough detail of law interpretation ... nor do I know much about any specific law cases ... so, while I do consider myself able to judge without a bias, my legal skills, abilities, and knowledge are lacking, so ... NO.
  • Definitely!
  • I do. Though some people would not think so. Reason, my decisions are based on God's Word. Not everyone agrees with that. Most make decisions based on carnal nature, not spiritual nature.
  • No I would not. I could never in a million years throw out good solid truthful evidence or testimony just because someone forgot to cross a t and dot an i..wouldn't do it, couldn't do it! :)
  • +5. No, I would always feel sorry for the victim
  • Best one!
  • Yes Polly I think I would. I like the facts of everything.
  • lol... oh you bet!... criminals and lawyers would shit themselves when they knew they were going to have to come to my court, no bullshit double speak, no blaming anyone else, no bullshit .. no bullshit .. no bullshit!
  • I know I would as most of the Judiciary has forgotten article 6 of the US Constition, and their Oath of Office. +5
  • Druggies and women beaters and child molesters will be givin the death penality.
  • Yes I do. When my son was a teenager he once gave me the one of the greatest compliments I have ever had. He said you are the most fair person of anyone I know.
  • No. No one is truely unbiased about everything. I'm just honest enough to say so. I just suffer fools lightly.
  • Yes, and those who know me agree.
  • I know I would. However, there is a lot of politics involved in getting there in the first place, and that would stop me from ever trying.
  • Aye.. indeed.
  • yes because i have good judgement, a sence of fairness, im a good listener, i pick up on flaws in an argument, and im balanced
  • hell no, they are all guilty. that should explain it well enough.
  • You're in Contempt Mister!
  • sort of i am good at resolving problems in words that are apropriate
  • That can only be judged by others.
  • No I would let my emotions weigh in
  • No! because i believe in bringing back the Death Penalty and National Service and a life sentence means a life sentence not just a few weeks to a few years!! (UK)
  • Yes, because i have a lot of common sense..:)
  • Yes. I can be objective and disciplined.
  • Only if when people said "here come da judge." I got to walk in like George Jefferson. Then I might enjoy it.
  • Maybe so...I am a very non-judgemental person, so I think I could hear a case and apply the law-which is what a judge should do
  • honestly, probably not. I would have to say I would use my power to stick it to every greasy politician, or authority figure I could..which would be career suicide of course.
  • I'm persuaded very easily, yet I am still logical. Give me a try?
  • Yes, but only if the law doesn't tie my hands.
  • No. I don't think I would be impartial enough.
  • Yes, because I believe in justice.
  • I think I'm way too empathetic to make a good judge.
  • Yep! I would order the release of all my cousins from prison.
  • A decent one at least. "All Rise" *Justice Randomguy Enters* "This court will now come to order" :)
  • You can be the judge of that.
  • I'm sure of it.
  • Judge of what? If you mean a court judge, then definitely not. I am many things, but totally impartial is not one of them. If you mean good judge of people, usually. I've learned what to look for. In my chosen subjects, I think I'm pretty okay.
  • Maybe not. I call a spade a spade.
  • No. I would most probably make up my mind in the first couple of seconds by the persons looks. If I stayed and heard more I could change my mind easily. I would hate to be a murderer if I was judge and looked a bit shady.
  • To answer this question requires you to judge yourself. This could easily put you into a confusing spinning feedback loop of "yes I am a good person", how do I know? Everyone says so, how do they know. No-one can be a good judge, it would be arrogant to say I was!! Etc Etc. So how can you judge yourself? And say you are a good judge. It come down to right and wrong. Take a murderer who thinks killing is right and for some strange reason all people think its right, that might seem starnge but I have just described ancient Rome. To be a good judge there were people of that time who would not have been influenced by this and slowly that is how civilisation has evolved. So how is being a judge possible. It comes from an innate understanding of the human condition before organised civilisation. In other words, right and wrong is in all of us. A good judge works everyday to find this. I hope I never say I am a good judge, because that would mean I had stopped streaching for the best I could be. However I would hope to make a few good decsions along the way.
  • Yes. I believe I'd be fair, but tougher than the average judge.
  • Hey Polly love the question. I would make a fantastic judge. The judge is in charge of the courtroom. It is the judge's job to listen to everything that everyone says in court. A part of the judge's job is to know the law and to decide if there is enough evidence to prove the law was broken. There is no room for PERSONAL feelings, beliefs or thoughts. It is all about the written law and staying within the guildlines of the written law. So personal beliefs on the part of a judge are not factored into their judgement decisions. Yep I know I would make a fantastic judge mainly because of my profession now I can not factor in my personal beliefs but rather what the law is and go with that when making a decision.
  • No ~ i wouldn't feel okay about being one.
  • Depends on what kind, but probably NOT simply because I would reinstitute hanging or maybe bring back the guillotine, I can see so many uses for those that deserve it and I can NOT see myself as one that reinflicts on society the same do it 10 times get caught and do it 10 times more when released criminals over and over again because even 3 stikes is to many for some since that's what 10 victims between catches what are the fish and cat and mouse is bullshit ...... ~Nemo~
  • I cannot answer this question in a word - just in a sentence.
  • not in america... I am too concerned with what's right and wrong and not enough with what BS laws written by corrupt politicians say. I would never grant a burglar a victory on a suit against his victims because he got injured while robbing their house.
  • I think I would but I think most people would think I was a bit harsh
  • Horrible. The result of my Jury Duty proves it. I wouldn't budge on my not guilty verdict, and stuck to it for days....until they all caved in. Well hell, the man DID the work, he should have got paid! I would have hit him over the head with a two by four myself if he was trying to rob me of my hard earned pay. ;+
  • No. I would be far too harsh in my sentancing.
  • No because I would tend to have difficulty being partial, especially with criminals with a background.
  • no, I think I would let my emotions guide me too much.
  • No. I would find it hard to sit in judgment of people.
  • yes I'm a retired bounty hunter and have studied the Law,someone needs to restore the justice system
  • YES. Case closed.
  • I think I could have the temperament to be fair, but I lack the legal knowledge to adequately apply the proper procedures.
  • Not really. I'm a live and let live kind of girl and I wouldn't be able to punish someone for breaking the laws that I think are ignorant. These are real laws on the books in the US......Silly Laws: - Alabama: 1. It is illegal for a driver to be blindfolded while operating a vehicle. - Alaska: 1. It is illegal to push a live moose out of a moving airplane. - California: 1. Community leaders passed an ordinance that makes it illegal for anyone to try and stop a child from playfully jumping over puddles of water. - Connecticut: 1. You can be stopped by the police for biking over 65 miles per hour. 2. You are not allowed to walk across a street on your hands. - Florida: 1. Women may be fined for falling asleep under a hair dryer, as can the salon owner. 2. A special law prohibits unmarried women from parachuting on Sunday or she shall risk arrest, fine, and/or jailing. 3. If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle. 4. It is illegal to sing in a public place while attired in a swimsuit. 5. Men may not be seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown. 6. Any form of sexual contact other than missionary position is a misdomeanor. (This is still a law. There have been several cases of people being brought up on these charges in the past 5 years alone. If the police enter a home with a warrent for some other crime and catch the 'culprits' in action, they can, and are, brought up on those charges.) - Illinois: 1. It is illegal for anyone to give lighted cigars to dogs, cats, and other domesticated animal kept as pets. - Indiana: 1. Bathing is prohibited during the winter. 2. Citizens are not allowed to attend a movie house or theater nor ride in a public streetcar within at least four hours after eating garlic. - Iowa: 1. Kisses may last for as much as, but no more than, five minutes. - Kentucky: 1. By law, anyone who has been drinking is "sober" until he or she "cannot hold onto the ground." 2. It is illegal to transport an ice cream cone in your pocket. - Louisiana: 1. It is illegal to rob a bank and then shoot at the bank teller with a water pistol. 2. Biting someone with your natural teeth is "simple assault," while biting someone with your false teeth is "aggravated assault." - Massachusetts: 1. Mourners at a wake may not eat more than three sandwiches. 2. Snoring is prohibited unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked. 3. An old ordinance declares goatees illegal unless you first pay a special license fee for the privilege of wearing one in public. 4. Taxi drivers are prohibited from making love in the front seat of their taxi during their shifts. - Nebraska: 1. A parent can be arrested if his child cannot hold back a burp during a church service. - New Mexico: 1. Females are strictly forbidden to appear unshaven in public. - New York: 1. A fine of $25 can be levied for flirting. This old law specifically prohibits men from turning around on any city street and looking "at a woman in that way." A second conviction for a crime of this magnitude calls for the violating male to be forced to wear a "pair of horse-blinders" wherever and whenever he goes outside for a stroll. - North Dakota: 1. Beer & pretzels can't be served at the same time in any bar or restaurant. - Ohio: 1. Women are prohibited from wearing patent leather shoes in public. - Oklahoma: 1. Violators can be fined, arrested or jailed for making ugly faces at a dog. 2. Females are forbidden from doing their own hair without being licensed by the state. 3. Dogs must have a permit signed by the mayor in order to congregate in groups of three or more on private property. - Pennsylvania: 1. A special cleaning ordinance bans housewives from hiding dirt and dust under a rug in a dwelling. 2. No man may purchase alcohol without written consent from his wife. - Tennessee: 1. It is illegal to lasso a catfish in Tennessee!! - Texas: 1. A city ordinance states that a person cannot go barefoot without first obtaining a special five-dollar permit. 2. It is illegal to take more than three sips of beer at a time while standing. - Vermont: 1. Lawmakers made it obligatory for everybody to take at least one bath each week -- on Saturday night. - Washington: 1. All lollipops are banned. 2. A law to reduce crime states: "It is mandatory for a motorist with criminal intentions to stop at the city limits and telephone the chief of police as he is entering the town. 3. In King County, in Seattle Washington, it is illegal to sit on a man's lap on a metro bus, unless you are married. 4. Vancouver, WA has a city law that requires all motor vehicles to carry anchors... as an emergency brake. - West Virginia: 1. No children may attend school with their breath smelling of "wild onions."
  • I think I have the personality to be a good judge: the right temperment, open-mindedness, and objectivity. I lack the degree and the work experience that I think is necessary though. I think I would be more harsh than the average judge in certain sentencing though, whether that may be a good or bad thing. I wouldn't let myself be confined to prescedent.
  • Not if my hands are tied by our current system of law. Some laws are out dated, some are too light and some are too harsh. Our laws don't always allow the punishment to fit the crime and I would want to allow that.
  • You don't want me as a Judge! I would file charges on the Policefor only keeping the convicted behind bars a month for rape and killing that pedestrian present Judges that decide child abuse is only worth a month behind bars Laywers that defend child molesters, drug addicts, the bank robbers and everyone else the says I was too crazy to know what I was doing when I did it. Because of these people the jails are overcroweded (I would bring back the firing squad) Once a person is found guilry of any offense instead of wasting money on them or providing a cell for them to write a book about their crime they would be shot and buried that same day! There problem solved.
  • Oh hell no...

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