• Maybe they care about your health and your future (just a guess).
  • People are sometimes just being considerate. They are just being concerned about your health and well being being lung cancer is huge and no ne really wants to see anyone get any such type of cancer nor cancer at all. Though it may seem like someone is harping about the smoking dont take offense to it, think of it as a caring person showing concern.
  • because they are trying to talk sense into by showing you what an idiot you were to start smoking in the first place ! ! :) :)
  • if you're standing right in front of them (next to them, behind them, near them) its bad for them as well
  • I chalk it up to a superiority complex. But yuo know those same people go home and have a coke and a bag of chips. It's become socially acceptable to mock smokers so they have great fun doing it. I usually make fun of their weight, poor dress, or lacking an obvious fault fire up the classic... "what? really? I didn't know.. I'm gonna go home and rethink my life now. Thank you so much for letting me know. Wow.. i feel stupid. how could i have missed this." the fun thing is to see how long you can go before they reaize you are being sarcastic.
  • Because they might as well tell while you are still alive ,it would pointless telling a rotting corpse coughing up maggots
  • They just want to make sure that you are aware of it. Some people still fall into the misconception that smoking isn't bad, and that it doesn't have negative consequences on the people around them. Most people wonder why you are doing something that is so blatantly wrong for you. I would ask a person next to me who was sucking on a piece of lead if they were aware that lead can damage you... because I could see no benefit to doing it, therefore he must be unaware. If he is aware, then I know it must be for mental reasons that he's doing it. (Addiction would fall under a mental reason)
  • It is quite annoying. I don't think they understand that most people can't quit just like that. I know that they mean well, but usually they just care about the second hand smoke. When I used to smoke, there was one time when some morbidly obese woman layed into me about my smoking habit. I look a lot younger than I am, so that's probably why she did it. But seriously, I don't go up to her and yell in her face when she picks up her Kentucky Fried Chicken, do I?
  • A lot of them probably want to point out how much longer they're going to live. (Guess)
  • Because they obviously wouldn't be smoking if they knew any better. Oh wait... And it's pretty much child abuse if you smoke around your children. My mom grew up with chronic bronchitis and it didn't go away til' she moved out. She thought it was normal.
  • Because they can think of nothing else to say. Just reply 'I know' and it generally kills the conversation stone dead.
  • i think it is because they are retarded. i don't smoke and have never even tried but still hate seeing retards "inform" people that smoking is bad for you.
  • If you know its bad why do you still do it?
  • Apparently the public service ads have done their job. lol. Really, I think that these strangers mean well. You could just respond with, "Thanks, but I'll decide for myself what goes into my body." It sounds like you are aware of the consequences.
  • Just because they like you. Also they may like to see you are not smoking others too. Especially kids and pregnant women.
  • I'm sure they mean well but it usually comes off as condescending to me. Usually I just smile and say "Oh, I know!", but there have been a few times that I've thrown my smoke in disgust and I'm like "What??? Oh my god, I didn't know that!!!Thank you so much!!!"
  • cuz they think there in their high horse and want you to join the high horse club of not smoking.
  • because in all actuality they dont give a shit that you are killing yourself. but they inform you its bad for you in hopes that you will quit because its annoying them. i do it all the time. cigarette smokers are the most ignorant people on earth. if you wanna destroy your life go for it. but do it far, far away from me or anyone else who choses not to be around it.
  • Likely further refining their sense of superiority? ;-)
  • That because they don't you to get your fingers cut off like that lady in the cigarette commercial.

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