• don't worry you will make friends. When i first started high school i thought i wouldn't either but then i found a little nice group to sit with and they are now called my best friends :)
  • Join a group or hobby that your interested in, its the best way to make friends!
  • Ok.. so you like metal and hard rock - are there any other people in school who like the same kind of music- they might be easy to spot. Are there any after school clubs that you could join? They do not need to be sporty clubs - there must be something else. Is there anyone at High School you know from your previous schools? School is not the only place to make friends -if you are here on AB then you have internet access - do you have access to making friends that way?
  • Work at being a good listener. That doesn't mean being quiet. That means engaging in conversations with other people and getting them to talk abou the things they love. It means asking good questions that keep the other person going in the conversation. Find out what they love in life and see if you connect with them. They key is to get them talking about what they really enjoy. Don't worry if you have a few failures along the way. Just keep trying, there are tons of people out there. You aren't alone in this problem. Look for others with the same problem and try to connect with them. Good Luck!
  • It's better to have a few very good friends than many "friends" who you hardly know.
  • I know the feeling. I had a clubfoot and have always walked with a slight limp, and so was always teased and rejected. As a serious, intense Scorpio, I also didn't know how to be the 'happy go lucky' way you had to be in order to 'fit in.' I had one friend in grade school (1960's) & jr. high - same friend (late '60's); and two other ('new') friends in high school (early '70's). In college, although as a freshman I had a boyfriend for 8 or 10 months who later moved and went to a different college, I actually didn't make a single friend the entire 4 years (well, 5, with one year off)! What I did was (besides cry at night sometimes!!) try and make the best of the two friends I did have, i.e., cultivate those friendships as much as I could, and hold on to them. I am still friends w/ these two ladies today, tho' not in super close touch (they live back East, and I, in L.A.). To this day (I'm 53) I get along best with men rather than women, and it's mostly men who are my age or older - I enjoy conversations w/ them because of all their stories and wisdom drawn from their long past! Even in HS I got along better with guys - the girls had "cliques" and they excluded me entirely. It is still hard to deal with the daily reality that most women and I are like "oil and water." Luckily, I have a nice 2nd husband (married 7 years now), and had a first marriage that lasted over 8 years. In line w/ my challenge getting along w/ women - my older adult daughter (23) and I are virtually estranged - we don't connect at all - and I am on decent terms but not as close as I'd like w/ my younger (18-yr.-old) adult daughter. I had hoped to have a a way, my husband is like my son, for you know how men can often be big babies!! I empathize with you, but hold your head high and know that you are a good person, you just don't "fit in" with the cliques, just as I didn't, and they are probably very superficial anyway. You probably have a lot more depth than that - a lot more interesting things to say - you may have TOO much good stuff going on for them to even deal with you - my observations (such as observing my adult daughters) have been that many young folks today seem to like a lot of simplicity in communication - they are comfortable with that!! And that probably doesn't work for you. Just know that you are NOT ALONE. I'll be thinking of you, and am glad to be able to post this answer - maybe others could benefit as well.

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