• How sober they are or aren't. Or the ones that flip the bird to you and break off your car antenna and scratch the paint off it because you liked a different soccer team than they did.
  • Tailgaters, and those who pass unsafely on curves and blind hills (a lot of those where I live). These are dangerous drivers, and the penalties should be much more severe than they are.
  • When I am following a car (any car on the road) and they indicate to make a turn, and then they swing out in the opposite direction first (often into another lane) to give themselves more room to make their turn. I reckon if they just slowed to an adequate speed they wouldn't have to risk hitting someone in the next lane (when their focus is on the direction they are actually indicating to turn in). It is a pet peeve of mine. In heavy traffic it can be quite dangerous.
  • when the talk on the cell phone and pay no attention to the road
  • Drivers who honk the horn at me when I'm trying to turn into my driveway instead of using their brakes to slow down. Also, drivers that don't use turn signals when making turns.
  • People that don't know the laws, or don't think they have to abide by them. Such as right of way, yeilding, running yellow lights and blocking intersections through opposing green lights.
  • The fact that the other drivers are on the road at all. Sounds foolish i suppose but if you are not in a hurry then you should pull over and allow those that are in a hurry to go by. I cannot stand people that constantly swerve back and forth, it either indicates intoxication or stupidity. Come to think of it, i don't think i've ever gone anywhere while obeying the speed limits.
  • when they drive zig-zag trying to take over everyone.
  • In approriate indication, using their indictions making you think they are going to turn intot he road you want to cross when they are going straight on.
  • when they run over people.
  • How they think they are the only ones on the road, or they are the only ones in a hurry. You've seen them, they know there is construction and a long line, but they drive all the way up to the front and cut in, almost causing a wreck every time.
  • As a motorcyclist, the fact that cars pretty often just swing out in front of you without indicating, cut you up or even reverse into you (motorcycles do not have reverse - what are we supposed to do about this?!) I know we are hard to see but we are not THAT hard to see, and sometimes I swear people do see you but then pull out anyway, with a kind of 'well, it will hurt them more than it will hurt me' attitude.
  • When people don't indicate properly on round-a-bouts.
  • Thanks everyone for your input. Pts all!
  • People who wait until you are almost to them to pull out in front of you and then poke along at 15 mph or go 5 feet and turn.
  • ones who pull right up on the back bumper at a stop light or stop sign that is on an incline. They have no way to know if you are driving a standard and no matter how good you are with a clutch,everyone drifts back some..
  • It would have to be a tailgater. If I can't SEE your headlights in my rear view mirror, YOU ARE TOO FRICKIN CLOSE!
  • Thanks everybody for your input. Hopefully the really dangerous drivers (like my hubby), will abide by the rules and be a little bit better to those of us that "you' ta be a good drivers" (me). My hand still hurts from grasping the door handle in terror, because we're going 85 (he's tired and wanted to get home) just drove me home.
  • 1. Speeding through parking lots. (I've almost been hit hundreds of times) 2. People on cell phones. (Illegal in my state, I see 90 percent of drivers still using them) 3. People who drive more than 20 miles over the speed limit. 4. Tailgaters. 5. Speeding through red lights and stop signs. 6. Ignoring yield signs. 7. Not using turn signals. 8. Driving at night or in the rain without lights on.
  • People who drive slow, tail gaters, rude drivers that can't drive and turn in front of you
  • The thing that annoy's me about other drivers, is the fact, that they actually believe that they are "Good" drivers. You ever notice that, even when they're road raging maniacs, they actually believe that they are a good driver... um... no, your not. Your all a bunch of shitty drivers, ive seen ya'll drive. If you want to be a good driver, try being a safe driver first, then come back and talk to me.
  • It more than annoys me.. it terrifies me when people ride my ass on ice and or flys by me on ice. Why can't they just put a little space between cars? and take their time so they will actually get to where they want to go. Ice is Ice, Rubber slids on ice!
  • Tailgaters People who ride their brake People who don't know what a turn signal even is People who , when seeing your turn signal , will floor it just to keep you from merging, then slow way back down.
  • I would have to say the maniacs with raod rage that speed, change lanes and turn without signals, block you from merging, tailgate, and pass with reckless abandone and then yell at you. Every time I see one I think to myself "That idiot gets to live, but Jay died driving like an old man on a safty first kick at 33. How is that right?"
  • People who drive BELOW THE SPEED LIMIT. And ooooh, even worse, people who don't use their turn signals. COME ON.
  • nose-pickers! I CAN SEE YOU FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!
  • Last night at about 12:30am a Semi was behind me flashing his highbeams at me. (I was going too slow for him) I was in the middle lane and he had plenty of room to pass on both sides. So I stayed where I was. He got right on my bumper trying to blind me with his high beams. At this time, he was pissing me off so he finally went around me. As soon as he was behind me, I gunned the accelerator and that really pissed him off. I slowed back down to my original speed and he passed and got in front of me (I then shot my hi-beams at him)and he started slowing himself. As I went to the right of him, He then veered to the right trying to cut me off. I then gunned my Impala and took off and zipped right by him on the left. He was trying to cut me off again and doing a good job of it when I found myself on the shoulder. This time, I was through playing around with him and got off on my exit and shot my Hi-beams one last time. Yeah that was a foolish thing to do. But I was totally minding my buisness and the hell with him thinking he owns the road. Now that I think about it---I hope he isn't the HITCHER!!
  • People who get right on my bumper and flash their lights for me to get over when I am doing the speed limit. People who pass me on multi-lane highway, then fall behind, then pass, then fall behind, repeatedly, then give me a dirty look as they go by. All the while I am using cruise control and never altered speed, they are the ones speeding up and slowing down.
  • when the car is on the M25, doing 50mph in the middle lane and at the helm is some geriatric old goat who can barely see 2ft in front of him.
  • When they drive and they are scared out of their wits. People who are scared to drive shouldn't
  • That they are on the road at the same time as me.
  • As i am a new driver i have found that people do not give restricted drivers time or have any patience... i have only been driving 6 days, i wish they would be cautious and sit back a little.
  • When they hurry to get in front of you and slow down.
  • after driving for years in montreal quebec,there is pretty much nothing that can surprise or annoy me any more.
  • Here in Puerto Rico too many people drive like crazy. I am one of the few exceptions to that basic rule. Not using turn signals is very common and makes me mad. Speeding, Tailgating, and almost every single traffic violation is a basic way to drive here. It is almost anarchy.
  • Nothing when I am in a good mood, I always forgive them, remembering the times I have made either dangerous moves or ignorant errors of driving judgement. If I am in a bad mood then I have no justification for being annoyed! I came up with a statistic too which helped me easily not get annoyed. Of the 10's of millions drivers on the road at any point, if we say that 1% make a mistake at every point, then there are 100 thousand mistakes every second. Given many of us drive for at least an hour a day, we are likely to both spot and make mistakes quite regularly.
  • people that drive faster than me are maniacs , people that drive slower than me are idiots!
  • Tailgating
  • when they are on their cell phones and dont put their blinkers and you could of made that damn turn!!!
  • When they don't respect pedestrians and cyclists who are sharing the road. I've seen drivers get very upset at cyclists for taking space in a lane, or curse them while they go by. It makes my blood boil when i see this, it's utter disrespect to people who are doing what all of us are doing: trying to get to work or home in time.
  • They never use turn signals.
  • The ones that are so easily annoyed. and tailgating.
  • People who claim to be law abiding yet continue to speed using the handy excuse "I just have a heavy foot".. I have no doubt they might just have a heavy foot, but if you can't control the muscles in your feet then you don't have any business driving in the first least not a peddle operated/actuated accelerator. If you're going to disobey the law then stop claiming otherwise.
  • Hmm...the fact that they exist?
  • Where do I begin? The worst offense for me is tailgating, especially when I'm going slightly above the speed limit already. What's your hurry? Try starting out earlier and you won't be so pushy with the driver ahead of you.
  • Tailgaters, watch for the finger! I saw a sticker once that said: I only drive at two speeds, if you don't like this one, you're going to HATE the other. Personally, if I'm driving too slowly, then it's because there's a moron right up my khyber and I'm doing it deliberately.
  • A**hole's who pull right out in front of you. Put on their Left turn signal and stop. Talk about Thoughtless Accident causing Douchebags!
  • All of the above, but mostly tail gaiters. Those ppl who follow too close behind.
  • People that leave their blinker on. People that jet out in front of me & miss me by a matter of feet to turn left when there's noone coming or behind me. People that pass me only to stay right in front of me.
  • definitely drivers with no turn signals. I mean we're all driving in our paces n then someone suddenly changes lane or just plan to tk a right or a left without the indicators..?? what the hells that..?? very irresponsible, as same goes for the ones that have to overtk.
  • Ones that pull out if front of you that make you put on the brakes hard and they just putt along very slowly, and ones that fly up on your bumper and tailgate you forever even though they could pass at anytime.
  • ALL. . . . .OF. . . . . THE. . . . . .ABOVE!
  • Drivers that almost kill me.
  • All of the above, but mostly the ones who are too busy talking on the phone or texting, to pay attention to driving. +5

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