• no, they love each child in a special way. though i am not a parent i have seen how parents act.
  • Most parents would, as the children would treat their parents in different ways too, eg some children are obedient and some aren't. +3
  • I sure do..fortunately, I only have one! Happy Tuesday! :) ((hugs))
  • Yeah,I do believe.Likewise teachers have a favourite student and the sergeant at the boot camp has a favourite trainee soldier.It's human nature to favour a particular person based on comparision,merit and worth.Only a few are there who look up at people with an unbiased vision.
  • Yes. I am my mothers favorite.
  • yes sad to say it most parents do have a favoirite child, i see it all the time it happends every day no matter where you are but i have made a bow to my children i will never love one more than the other and i have stuck to it and still am.
  • Not a favorite so to speak. But one I get along with much better because she is more like me than the others.
  • Yes I do, I'm sure they love them all but there always seems to be one kid in every family that the parents brag on a little more or talk about more often or give just a little more attention to. My father spoiled me terribly and my brother noticed it. I was treated differently.
  • They might have a "favorite", but the worst possible thing a parent could do is to tell their children or show them they have a favorite! A parent's job is to make each of their children feel special and loved ... My husband's father always makes it known that he favors another of his children. It's very hurtful and immature of him to do that!
  • Yeah I do. This is apparently true since my parents tell me all the time. While most kids would be happy in this situation, I at times feel a little depressed knowing this, especially since my parents don't get along that well with my older sister. I guess that's why if I have kids someday I only want one; that way I won't end up favoring one over the other and I won't feel guilty as a result of it.
  • yes, they have!
  • Yes; I do ....
  • I know mine does...
  • Yep. That's fine, however, parents shouldn't show it. That would be one of the worst things you could do to your child, have them think that you love them less than your other children.
  • yes , there is alwaysa favourate child but the difference is not big whem it comes to treatment :)
  • Yeah, I believe my mom favors my sister over me. You can even tell now through our behaviour after we've grown up. My mom always yelled at me, my dad always beat me and I was generally told I was an "unmanageable" kid. My sister was always quieter than me, so she became the more manageable one who was rarely yelled at and NEVER beaten. Every day I would hear, "look at how your sister behaves. Why couldn't you be good like her? that way daddy won't have to hit you." Now at 19 (me) and 15 (her), we act like totally different people. She always did better at school because I was under too much stress and humiliation to be good at anything. She is more outgoing and confident, while I am not as social due to my endless self esteem issues. It really makes you wonder.
  • Of course. Especially fathers who think one kid looks like him and the other looks like... the mail man.
  • The unbalanced ones do
  • I think it's a possibility. I've seen it happen. Usually the first born child is the favorite, or the child that takes up the interests and talents of the parent. Of course, the parent would never admit that.
  • yes they do and that can be good and bad depending whether or not your it.
  • Probably. I don't have a favorite between my two, but I can see how some parents could.
  • Yes...and I do, but do not show it. I love all my children equally and would never put one over the other. I just have one particular child that loves to do everything I do and shares most of my views, ways etc. Though this child I consider my favorite, it is in no way makes any of my other children any less loved or cared for. I hope that made since.
  • I am so shocked at these answers!! I never thought 100% of folks would think this. A lot of parents have done a great deal of damage. I can't tell you how badly that makes me feel. In the movie Sophie's Choice, the lead character is forced to choose which of her two children is to immediately be shot dead. She is FORCED to choose between them. That scene is heartwrenching because she loved her children mightily, or so I thought. Now that I read these answers, I'm not so sure I understood the scene as it was intended to be understood. I have two daughters, 11 and 4. THey are VERY different people. I couldn't possibly say there is one I love more than the other. Sometimes I want to pinch their little heads of, they aggravate me so much! But there is no way in HELL I could ever love one more than the other. I don't even think it's possible. Sory for the rant.....I am very moved by the answers I've seen here. THey've made me very sad. +5
  • I wouldn't necessarily say a favorite child all the time, or in every case, but i do believe there is always most certainly one child that they get along better with, or prefer to be around. Cause of similar attributes, or personalities.
  • As a parent, I can easily answer this... I certainly don't. My wife and I have raised two boys and although they are both different people and I treat them differently for that reason, I can truthfully say I love both with all my heart and have no favourite whatsoever. Hope this helps.
  • Yes I know that for a fact.
  • I don't know if favorite is a good word...I have 3 children and I love each the same...I can share things better with one then others..but depending on what it is we are talking about it takes turns...I love my daughter and I talk about anything and everything...with my boys we mainly talk sports or video games...guess its just what mood your in for that day and what the conversation is about!!
  • Yea parents do have their favorite, they almost always do, but most try hard to treat everyone equally.
  • Yes. They do favorite one more than the other. I know that from my own experience and it does scarred long term, even into adulthood. You just wanted to be loved by the ones you respect and supposed to love you. But when that doesn't happen you feel like an invalid or a failure, even though you know you've tried your best to please them. It affects you emotionally, psychological and socially. So parents love all your kids differently but equally.

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