• Good thing I don't live in Ohio, I'd be broke yo...
  • That's only in Cleveland. Anyway, it's illegal to perform window puppet shows in New York.
  • In Minnesota: -A person may not cross state lines with a duck atop his head. -All bathtubs must have feet. +3
  • In Urbana/Champaign, it is still technically illegal for a black person to be out after 8 p.m.
  • Arizona Hunting camels is prohibited
  • In Ireland before 1964 the punishment for sucide was death by hanging!! That gets me everytime!
  • I had heard in Singapore that it was illegal to chew gum in public..?? Is there anybody from Singapore that can verify this?
  • In New York a person may not walk around on Sundays with an ice cream cone in his/her pocket. I don't know what the punishment would be other than ending up with a sticky crotch.
  • In Ireland we have to drive on bad roads if you live outside the large cities. They have potholes in them but you are not allowed to put anything into them as the local authority will get really pissed and probably take you to court. But it is ok to wreck your car by hitting one of them and damaging the suspension which can cost hundreds to fix.
  • Here in Puerto Rico: Many drunk drivers are getting away with driving drunk because once they are stopped they can refuse to have a breathalyzer test done on them because some idiot legislator created a law that says that if they take a breathalyzer test while they know they are drunk they will be INCRIMINATING refusing to take the breathalyzer test will be like "taking the 5th amendment clause" that protects against self incrimination. Lots of our local legislators do a lot of drinking, so I can tell that whoever came up with that idea was thinking of him and his friends....just in case it happens to them... IDIOTS!!!!

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