• Yes! There are a couple of reasons why it could be considered a good idea to change a film at any point after its release. The first has to do with creative choices. For better or worse, a "filmmaker" is limited by the technical parameters of his/her time. For instance, a Director like Ray Harryhausen used fairly primitive stop-motion techniques to animate dinosaurs. Now, that was very effective at the time, but today's audiences wouldn't buy it for a second. If Ray made films today, chances are he'd opt for some kind of CG to tell his stories. The real question is, would he change his films today in light of the available technology? Maybe. Why? Maybe because CG makes the images more realistic. He did all he could do at that time, but given the opportunity to make it better, perhaps he would. The second reason to redo a film is economics. "Bigger" and "Better" means a re-release of a product that, hopefully, will attract new consumers and thus, more profit for a product. Filmmakers make movies to fulfill their creative drive, but they also need to make a living. Today's investors want and need to suck every possible dollar out of a creative endeavor that they can. So if a story can become a movie and a video game and a book and a children's book and a magazine and a fan club and .... and ... and...... The more an investor can leach out of a creative enterprise, the better in terms of profit. So, if a Director feels that the original release of his film was less than what he intended, investors may see an opportunity in financing the "redeux" so that another income generating opportunity may arise. Creative. Financial. Those are two entities which can't exist without one another in the world of high-finance. THAT is why a Director has a "good reason" to change his film after a release. Brian Dzyak Cameraman/Author IATSE Local 600, SOC

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