• That's a difficult one and I think from experience it is not so much a feeling of being unappreciated so much as there comes a time when we realise our kids don't need us any more and that they are ready to take the rudder and steer their own course. It takes a bit of getting used to! Also, as nice as it is when kids do things around the house and are respectful, the things that stick in our minds are the times when you sit and chat with us - about nothing in particular but just to spend time together. when you are little you take up so much time and suddenly we find ourselves on the periphery - cheering on team you and waiting to be needed again. Growing up isn't easy for parents either. If you want to tell your mum that you appreciate her send her a bunch of flowers with the message "Just because" She'll understand!
  • I'm sure you will find out when/if you become a Mother.
  • You did your best, you were a kid and no one seemed to take the time to set you straight back then so how can you feel badly unless you intend to keep behaving in the same manner. Learn from your past mistakes and then they turn into valuable lessons. Be respectful and don't do things just to make you happy, because I promise you it won't work that way for you anyway, you'll feel shitty inside.

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