• NO, he/she needs something. Take the poor thing to the vet. If he/she is healthy, then figure out what he/she wants. More food? Water? Outside? Playtime? They don't ask for much, take time to find out.
  • It actually can depend upon the breed and the individual dog. Some breeds are more vocal than others. For Example: my own Hannah a crossbred GSD/Husky is VERY vocal. Both GSDs and Huskys ARE vocal types...but Huskys are far more so generally speaking (no pun intended). Not only does Hannah frequently have something to say, she usually prefers to get the LAST WORD IN on any discussion we might have. Even so with the cats...she wants that last word! She is also (like most Huskys) five of the biggest "cry babies" on the planet. If she doesn't get what SHE WANTS...she will MOAN about it...and roll here eyes as if to say.."NOBODY understands ME! Ohhhhhh!" The type of moan is the key, is your dog moaning when trying to move about? After eating? or...Is it when you don't "comply" with something the dog wants? Does the dog seem in physical distress? Panting when there has been no recent play, run, jump about? Drinking too much, or simply laying about not acting her self? IS this dog generally the two of you "speak" a lot to each other? Is the moaning a NEW behavior? You need to look at the whole picture here. There is a big difference between a dog vocalizing and a dog in discomfort, pain or fear. You can check her temp. which should be between 100.4 and 102.2...and check it rectally; with either a digital or rectal.
  • That depends on the dog. The dog may need something, but if the dog has water, food, has been out, has been checked by a vet, it may just be that dog's personality. Some dogs are very quiet while others are quite noisy.
  • my dog would moan and groan to express bliss. bedtime he'd moan as he settled in under our bed. morings he'd moan as he got cuddles. after a tasty treat (butter would always work) he'd roll around and groan. he'd let me spoon him in winter to keep warm and he liked this so guess what ,MOAN!

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