• Yes. It's bigotry and discrimination to deny men the right to choose.
  • Not unless the mother agrees to it.
  • me life starts at conception.
  • You cannot terminate your parental responsibilities.
  • Yes. Women get to terminate theirs, why shouldn't men have the same right? His life his choice.
  • Absolutely-free choice for all, but once accepted you must pay to play.
  • No, if the woman decides to keep it, he has to help. The reason being that the woman does all the work, the man doesn't even have to be there for the pregnancy. All the guy has to do is stick it in for 2 minutes and wait 9 months, so of course he shouldn't be able to abandon his responsibility.
  • I believe that the father of the unborn child has just as much right to the child as the woman does. I believe that if the father wants the child but the mother wishes to end the child's life thru abortion, then he should be able to go to court and sue her for custody and be able to take the baby home with him once its born. The baby is just as much HIS and it is hers. But, if the man is a loser who wont stand up for his responsiblity, well, yeah, let him terminate his rights. Give him the same rights to walk away as is given to the mother to "walk away". I am a woman and I fully support a father's right. I get very disgusted with the women out there who feel that their inconvinent pregnancy is all the man's fault when they just as willingly jumped into the sack. I believe that the father SHOULD be responsible for the child. That's a real man. But, as long as women wanna play the "Oh poor me!" game and have others fully support their avoidance of self-responsiblity for their own actions, then you might as well give that to the father too.
  • Yes, if they are going to leave their wife and unborn child alone. And then pay support. And be followed everywhere by criticism.
  • NOPE ... If you help make a baby ; then you need to be a MAN and accept the Financial Responsability of raising that child . It is the least you could do .... Don't want parental responsability ? Then don't go around having sex without making sure that SHE is on Birth Control and that YOU are wearing a Condom .
  • No, they shouldn't have that right. But there is a clear inequity regarding male responsibility for a child that can be aborted on a whim. I have no idea how to address this unfairness and I'm not really all that worried about it as things work well enough as they are.
  • This is a situation which can never be 100% fair. Women SHOULD have more rights because the fetus is inside their bodies, and whether a woman chooses to get an abortion or go through with the pregnancy, it's going to affect her body, not his. So, letting a man just shrug off his responsibility by just saying so is much easier than it is for a woman. On the other hand I understand that, once pregnancy starts, it's also unfair that only the woman has any choice in the matter. I believe that if this choice is given to men, they will become even more irresponsible than some of them already are.
  • As terribly as the consequences of that choice would be, yes, men should have every right to denounce their claim to parenthood in every manner, especially legally. Does that mean he SHOULD do this? No, everybody should take responcibility for the stupid move they made, but a child is a very life effecting thing, and both parents should be given the choice in that matter, weather it is morally right or not.
  • I was responding to a blanket statement that a parent cannot terminate their parental rights, because it isn't true.
  • They already do. It's called "Pushing that bitch down the stairs".
  • If a woman has just gotten pregnant, wants to keep it, but the man wants an abortion, then the woman should have to have full responsibility. It's not fair for the man to give up 18 years of his life if he doesn't have to. If the man wants to keep it and the woman doesn't, it's up to the woman to have an abortion regardless of what the man wants, so why should a man have to give up 18 years just because a woman decides to keep it when she doesn't have to? It's not that hard to see. Week 24 seems a little too late though. I think that a man should be able to back out prior to week 12, before the abortion deadline. A woman should be required by law to tell the father as soon as she finds out that she is pregnant, otherwise she will forfeit all power to receive forced child support.
  • Interesting proposition... I don't think they should.
  • Yes, a man should have a choice to abort the child from his life just like a woman can. The 24th week is too late though. It should be no later than week 20.
  • Hell no. there are already too many men who don't bother to support their kids as it is. Giving them a legal option to be deadbeat dads is not the answer. I can truly empathize with men who were forced to have children. My ex wife was on birth control pills and secretly stopped taking them. She then hid the pregnancy from me until well after an abortion would have been an option, yet I did not hesitate to own up to my responsibility. no matter how much it sucks, the baby did not make itself. If there were a way for these men to switch the baby to their bodies so they would have the option, i would be all for that, since that would level the playing field some. Otherwise, no matter how the baby got here, nothing changes the fact that there is a living child that you helped create.
  • No, it makes me sick to think anyone has a choice to kill a baby. I cant believe I am saying this...Taking my emotions out of it, legally it does make sense that a man should have just as much right to choose to be a parent or not, just like a woman does. If he decided not to be a dad, he could sign something to stop his fatherly rights and/or duties. I wish people would use birth control, rubbers, etc, think about the consequences before you start having sex.
  • I think they should have the right to terminate their rights and responsibilities so long as that doesn't include terminating the child. I also think it should include giving up the rights to sire any future children, as in irreversible surgery. I don't think a traditional vasectomy would do that. So it would have to include either full removal of the vas deferens or castration. If you aren't willing to raise a child, keep it in your pants.
  • Hail yeah. It's about time.
  • Absa-freakin-lutely! My cash, my choice.
  • not just till 24 weeks, she can end her maternal rights even after the child is born... it is called adoption... as long as she has that option he should too. until he can say "you are stuck with the child and have no choice in the matter" she should not be able to say it either. HOWEVER if the conception took place at a time when there was an agreement ro raise children together then she has grounds to force parenthood... but even then it is a case by case situation
  • Yes. To say yes to the mother but no to the father is pro-ABORTION. I'm pro-choice not pro-abortion, which means both must have a choice.
  • Definitely. Both should have the same choice.
  • Of course. That's what it means to be pro-choice.
  • Inconceivable! Just kidding. You've got my vote.
  • I don't think either should have the right to kill or get rid of a child, YOU MADE IT, YOU SUPPORT IT! BOTH females and males... Why should someone else keep your child up? If people would take care of their OWN responsibility, the world would be a better place.. same as welfare. I agree some fall and yes do deserve a second change, but to cause someone to have to pay, weather it be your first time, falling or 100th, is delusional. The tax payers having to foot the bill doesn't have a choice in weather they want to pay or not!
  • Ah, now THIS question is guaranteed to stir the pot, THAT'S for sure! +5 right off the bat for it! (I already gave you the points a couple hours or so ago...I just haven't had a chance to come back and post my own answer!) I am not for a man "terminating his parental rights and responsibilities" at all. Mostly because the flip side of this question, that of the woman's legal right to abortion, is something I'm not all that crazy about either. Before people automatically jump in and DR me, I've already made my stance known previously on the subject of abortion, and it's NOT quite so simple as most people assume it to be. Feel free to visit my profile for the appropriate links under "ETHICS" and "Abortion". But to put it in short terms here: I am against elective abortion for the sole purpose of convenience of the woman OR the man. For details, as I said, visit my profile. But the subject of fairness is one of great concern here, with respect to any unborn child and BOTH the parents. It is hardly fair, in my opinion, that a woman to whom any man may entrust the essence of any potential life to should unilaterally be legally able to decide whether or not a child, which is literally 50% his genetically, should live or die. Nor, on the other hand, is it fair that a man should be able to unilaterally decide he is NOT going to be responsible for a life that is 50% his genetically. A child is an offspring of TWO people. In my opinion, BOTH people should get their collective selfish heads out of their *sses and own up to their responsibilities as parents. If you want to play around, you should be prepared to handle the possible consequences of your actions, whether you are a man or a woman, in my opinion. If you're not ready to do that...then you're not ready to include boinking each other in your social lives. Feel free to DR me if you wish.
  • What does it matter? It looks like they (men) dictate what we do with our bodies anyway so it's a moot question. (Yeah, I know, "moot" is used improperly by definition but I like how it works in this sentence.)
  • Yeah, pro-choice for her and him. It's the only fair thing to do.
  • Yes, laws should apply equally to men and women, and that's as close as we can get to equality. As long as women have the right to choose, men should too.
  • Neither the woman nor the man should be able to have the fetus aborted. After birth, however, they SHOULD be able to give the child for adoption up to the child's 1st birthday.
  • Men should just smarten up demand anal, it is the world's oldest form of birth control after all.
  • Honestly men do this anyway unofficially. Bt I think it is rather selfish of u to not care about a child u have brought into this world, accidentally or not. You have to face the responsibility of ur action. Saying that there are always some a**holes who don't care about anyone, fair enough u can't do anything about that. Being a parent carries responsibility, I think it's time to own up to them.
  • They already have a choice, but it ends at conception. If you don't want to be a parent, keep it in your pants.
  • know what..i never thought it was fair that a woman gets all the choices...and i am a woman..a woman gets to decide if she wants to have the baby or have an abortion,,she gets to choose if she even tells the father..she gets to choose if she wants toraise it or put it up for adoption..the guy just hangs out and plays the part of the spectator
  • Here's the problem you stooges forget.. Most women can simply say, oops..I forgot to tell you, but I'm pregnant and it's due in 3 weeks...24 weeks means nothing. What if a man doesn't know till week 25? How do you prove it? Any man can say I wasn't told till week 2X.. Look, the VAST majority of women have their babies. Saying a man has the same rights is crying after the milk has been spilled and lets face it..NO man EVER accidentally hops in the sack with a woman. "Oh, I accidentally got a hardon and accidentally stuck it in.." Try some other pathetic excuses to not take care of responsibilities.
  • This provision should be added to the Freedom of Choice Act. But, it must be early in the pregnancy. Choice for all.
  • If a man wasn't ready for a child or is just selfish enough not to take care of that child then they should've put something on the end of his wanger! And yes, it goes for the woman as well to think about protection. I don't agree with a man telling a woman to get an abortion. What if the woman wants the baby? It's not up to the man whether the woman goes through with the pregnancy or not! Thats my opinion. Sorry if you don't like it!
  • Yep. Fair is fair.
  • The best idea is to think about it before you stick it in.
  • Both men and women are able to terminate parental rights any time after a child is born. A man has no LEGAL responsibilities untill after a child is born so what is the point of terminating rights until then. Unless you are really asking if a man should be able to force a woman to have an abortion and there is no way that would ever become legal.
  • They both have a choice before sex. Why shouldn't both have a choice after?
  • Anybody who opposes this is ANTI-choice. Period. You can't be pro-choice and oppose this. There is no baby at this point. Both people did the deed, and should now have a choice.
  • Yep. Pro choice baby, pro choice.
  • Perhaps.
  • Yes, everyone should have equal rights.
  • No, it takes two to make a baby. So you should have thought of that before you made a child together. The baby will need the support of both parents. Mistake or Not!!
  • Definitely. No man or woman should be forced to become a parent.
  • interesting point. perhaps eh? but the difference is, a man could always go back.
  • As long as abortion is legal there should be a provision for men to have a post-conception / pre-viability choice just like women do.
  • Yes, especially if they're married.
  • Yes, men should have reproductive rights also.
  • Sure - but if the woman still decides to go through with the pregnancy she should then be provided welfare to help cover at least some of the cost of that child.
  • As long as abortion is legal, men should have the same protection of their reproductive rights as women.
  • what happens in the man terminats his rights before 24 weeks then changes his mind when his see's his son or daughter???
  • Woah, I never thought of this... It's really only fair. Although, I still think he should have to pay some of the medical costs. It took two to tango.
  • Not at all. You can't force someone to have an abortion. If think you're responsible enough to have sex, then you're responsible enough to have a baby. The fact that women can terminate a pregnancy does make this unfair. But since you can't force an abortion on someone, as a man you hold responsibility for your actions, and if said actions make a baby, you are responsible for it. This is not at all an 'equal choice' argument, because men and women ARE NOT equal. Men cannot choose to abort fetuses, because they aren't in their bodies. Once again, I know it is not fair, but that's something you need to argue with god/nature/science about. The courts can't do much to CHANGE WHICH SEX CARRIES A PREGNANCY.
  • No..but they have the right to use contraception before getting a girl pregnant.. :D
  • i know that what i'm about to say won't be popular, but, if a woman has the right to have an abortion or keep a child, shouldn't the man have equal rights? if a woman wants to have an abortion but the man wants to have the child, why is it that the woman's wishes always win?
  • I sometimes think so. A woman can choose to keep the baby or abort it. It's her body, and her right, and rightfully so! But a woman can choose to keep the baby, and the man has no say in the matter whatsoever. Yet the woman can use the law to make the man her virtual slave for the next 18 years, all by her choice alone. Therefore, I would have to agree that a man should have the right to "opt out" by the end of the first trimester. If he does, he relinquishes all rights to the child, but also ceases to have any responsibility as well. The woman then has the choice to keep the baby and provide for it on her own, abortion, or give it up for adoption.
  • No. The difference between a woman having the choice to terminate is that there won't be a baby born into the world when she chooses *termination*. Not so for the man. A man who simply terminates his responsibilities does not eliminate a child for which *somebody* will have to be responsible. It just passes the buck on to the rest of us.
  • Yes, the right to choose is fundamental.

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