• He won't want to do talk about this - at all. However, he needs to talk about what is going on and you have the right to expect an explanation for his behaviour. Him feeling uncomfortable about it is not a good enough reason not to talk about it. You are in a relationship with each other and he has a responsibility to tell you what the problem is because his actions have also made it YOUR problem. It is affecting you in a negative way and he does not have the luxury of saying nothing about it. That is just not fair - you should not be made to suffer for his silence just because he feels uncomfortable about it. That said, you need to exercise lots of tact and discretion when approaching him. He won't bring the subject up himself (you know that), therefore you will have to do it instead. Go out out somewhere quiet, away from other people but not indoors. If you go out somewhere in public then it will have the benefit of keeping the conversation under control and you are less likely to become emotional (him) and end up in a full blown argument. (It's hard to shout at each other in public). And he will resist. He may feel embarrassed and behave like a sulky child being forced to do something they do not want do. With this in mind, it is down to you to control the conversation and steer it in the correct way so that you have the best chance of finding out the information you need to know. Stick to the facts, don't hurl accusations or be judgmental and don't raise your voice. In other words, do everything in your power to prevent him from becoming defensive and clamping up. Approach this as you would approach a problem with a broken down washing machine - impress on him you do not think any less of him or anything negative at all, all you're concerned about is that there is a problem and it needs to be resolved because it is impacting both of you negatively. You will have to ask the questions and it may be like pulling teeth but ask anyway. Ask him directly what he thinks needs to happen to resolve this issue. Ask him what you can do to help him sort this out and ignore the fact he is uncomfortable by pretending not to notice. Remember, men are task oriented which means they do not discuss a problem like women do - men do not talk about such things with anybody so don't expect hours of conversation. Be direct, factual and restrain your emotions, also once the conversation is over with and you have a plan to tackle the problem, don't keep bringing it up unless there is something that needs to be done (as in action taken). Finally, remember that your own health and well-being must always come first else you will be of no use to anybody . In order to help him you must first help yourself because if you are miserable then you can't help him resolve this effectively. The longer this is left and ignored, the worse it will become and the harder it will be to ask the questions that you need to. He won't like it but if you don't then you will be unhappy and he is not going to fix that for you - he is in fact the person that is the cause of your unhappiness. So, do what you need to do and ask the questions you need to. Be kind, be tactful but stand your ground and be firm. Do not be fobbed off with non-answers or succumb to emotional blackmail because you feel guilty asking things that he doesn't want to think about or doesn't like discussing. It won't be easy but it won't be any harder than carrying on in the same way in the future as you are now. Good luck, get it over with.
  • something is going on with him. he is bothered by something. it MAY NOT be you- in fact, it probably isn't... he still wants to pleasure you- thats a good sign. maybe u can ask him gently whats on his mind. DON'T SAY, "Is it something I did, or is it me. be general.

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