• Hard to tell from the pic, but it does look swollen and perhaps red or bruised. I'd see a piercer quickly. If it's just a common bump, it's probably an abscess, a localized pocket of infection. They're bothersome but happen fairly often, and can be treated. But the pic almost looks like the surrounding area is swollen, not just like a bubble on the piercing (maybe it's just shadow.) Got a closer or clearer picture? Are you doing saline soaks, and how old is it? And heat on the area, pain, or other symptoms? I'd do saline soaks twice daily with a few drops of tea tree essential oil, and see a doc if it doesn't start to improve in a day or two or if it gets worse. Cute ear, btw.
  • I had that same problem with mine, and my piercer said not to touch it and keep sea salt water on it. After 6 months it was still sore, and got worse. I took the bar out - stuck 2 rings in and it went away =/

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