• yes I do. it may not have all been spent responsibly, but the advancements in consumer products and technology that have their origins at NASA can not be overlooked.
  • Yes, space exploration wouldn't be where it is right now if it wasnt for the existence of NASA.
  • I support NASA all the way. In fact, I wish all the money wasted by the US government in Iraq would have went to fund NASA. Earth is just a little piece of dust in the universe. There is so much out there to discover. Also, in working on tools for space we in the process end up coming up with stuff that can work for us - like computers and calculators.
  • In the beginning yes. But now I think we could now cut the number of space shuttles in half and use that money for medical research, social security reform, and other things that would quickly and directly help the poor, the ill, and the elderly in our country and around the world.
  • Yes, hopefully Elon Musk can make it cheaper.
  • Money spent on exploration is always worth it in the long run.
  • James Burke in his "Connections" series noted that during the time of the Apollo program, Americans spent about the same amount of money on cosmetics as they did in taxes going to NASA. That gives you an idea of how comparatively small the NASA budget has been, even when it was at its peak. Currently, the NASA budget is about $15 billion to $18 billion per year. To put that in perspective, the federal budget *deficit* projected for FY 2007 is about $350 billion. The budget for NASA gets lost in the "error bars" when talking about numbers of that magnitude. As for the worthiness of this expenditure, I believe that exploring our Universe and our place within it is the highest of human purposes. Certainly it's worth spending approximately 0.1% of our GDP on it. . . .
  • The money spent on NASA has given us incredible advances in medicine, physics, chemistry, electronics, etc. The spin-offs from NASA research have been responsible for multiple medial advances, just to pick one thing. Also, it's extremely difficult to put a price tag on pure research. There are the obvious benefits and then there are the subtle benefits. For instances, by simply having such a program we are inspiring thousands (or millions) of kids to become engneers and develop their own microsofts and apples and what have yous.
  • It has stopped USA spending so much money on bombs and war. It has employed vast amounts of people etc so therefore go to wherever you like in as many rockets as you like it clearly makes the world a better place especially if you send Bush on the next flight to research the farthest reaches of the universe.
  • I think it is a waste of money and think of the pollution they create everytime a shuttle goes up
  • Yes. Much more worth than the money spent on some other things. Okay, it was not my money...
  • Absolutely! A lot of what we use every day is a direct spinoff of technology developed for space exploration.
  • Yes. Peaceful progress is always worth it.
  • Any and all monies spend by the US government are money well spent ROFL!
  • Yes. Adding to our base of knowledge is always worthwhile. Learning more about the universe is a positive goal. Reach for the stars!
  • Yes, the space program has taught us a lot.
  • In spades. Just the spinoff technologies have tripled our investment at the very least. Not to mention the increase in knowledge and understanding of our universe.
  • Absolutely. What if Queen Isabella had chosen to sell her jewels and spend it on the poor instead of funding Christopher Columbus?

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