• It depends on what mood I'm in, and what I'm working on.
  • Very annoying. Very, very, very annoying. Especially if I'm writing. Ever see the movie with Jack Nicholson in "The Shining" when Wendy walks in and asks, "How's it going?" ? THERE YOU GO !
  • any positive human contacted is welcomed....I can concentrate later.
  • Depends on my mood!
  • I usually find it irritating if I'm working on something intricate and someone has to ask me what time it is, when there's a big clock right in front of them. :)
  • Depends on what it is, how important, (inspired can mean important) lol the circumstances and who is doing the interrupting. However if I've been too focused for too long, or I'm stuck...interrupt me.........please.
  • It depends on the purpose of the interruption. If it is something that could not possibly have waited, then I deal with it. If it is something frivolous I get irritated. Why? Because I am a retired Internal Auditor/Accountant. Sometimes it takes you awhile to get to a good place in your thought process and you may be just on the verge of solving something...interruption can take a very long time to get back to where you were when interrupted..a very long time. So if it is something that could have waited, it should have waited. Just my opinion. Others may disagree. :)
  • irritated for sure. unfortunately (shaking my head)
  • I really don't like interruptions at all when I'm working on something. My whole train of thought can get derailed.
  • I don't get irritated because I can focus on many things at the same time I have been able to do that since I was little so I just kind of keep thinking on what I was doing while I talk to whoever interrupted me.
  • it irritates the hell out of me - I usually end up screaming at that person to leave me alone and have to go apologize afterwards when I am finished
  • It really depends on what I'm doing. If I'm really tring to get something done or if it's difficult to understand, I get irritated. If I'm simply working hard, but I have a lot of time, then I like breaks.
  • ... For me it depends on how into the work I am. If I'm on a role and just continuously writing and being able to remember things clearly it does annoy me because it can break the flow of things. And when I go back to writing or studying I've lost my flow.. and can never get back into it. However, if I'm having a slump and getting really stuck over what to write down or just not remembering anything I'm reading, an interuption is pretty good. As once I come back from the break.. I can work better than I was before
  • Usually I'm mildly annoyed. Unless I'm not enjoying the work, then it's a welcome break.
  • It freaks me out because I loose my train of thought.
  • It annoys me to no end - especially when I'm programming and working on a tricky problem.
  • depends...when im disturbed on a very important task or on one of my unpleasant mood swings...people seem to be aware of my deference for that particular time coz they say they can feel the atmosphere im creating around most people know when to approach me or not mess with me when im not in the mood or doing something serious... ;)
  • I do get a bit irritated especially if I am concentrating on something that takes a lot of concentration. I usually can get back to where I was though with little extra effort. I seldom consider an interruption a welcome break because I like to focus and stay on task. If it is an important interruption, (another matter) I usually am glad to get the other matter settled.
  • I must confess--irritated
  • I get irritated.
  • It is annoying to me. I don't like my concentration to be interrupted.
  • I try not to show it, but it does irritate me a little because I usually lose my train of thought and sometimes find I have to start over!

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