• omg i was in the same position with my boyfriend, try always ending your text with a question so he has to tb then things will flow from there. Gd luck :))) x
  • firstly try the 10 minute rule, where you wait 10 mins before u text him back, this will not only make the conversation last longer but it also makes u appear less desperate. Secondly, make sure ur not being boring! ask him questions, dont always say teh same things and try having brief, quality texting convos with him, like 'hey wuu2? xxx' 'not much just doing homework. u? xxx' 'cool ye i just finished mine, rite i gtg bye xxx' this means that you start and finish the convo makeing him feel more powerless, therefore he will try more next time! hope this has helped and not just shot over your head! :D
  • its easy, call him and talk to him. Texting is really boring, and you cant here emotin and its really easy to get lost. Its so much better to talk to someone, then text them.
  • Get off the machine and actually make some plans and have some fun experiences together. You can only make small talk for so long, it doesn't mean you are not interesting. Also don't fill all your spare time focusing on him, because that will make you boring. Get some fun girlfriends and some hobbies that are just as fun.

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