• Funny enough, I am. It's been over 10 years since I got 1.
  • No, injections don't scare me but just the same I don't get them. I haven't had one in probably 15 years. I stay away from doctors.
  • No. I don't like them, but if I have to have one, I don't lose any sleep over it. The thought of giving one, however, does terrify me. When my mum was undergoing chemo, the doctor wanted to teach my sister and I to give her injections against the nausea. Both of us were horrified at the thought of injecting our mother with anything.
  • Not especially. Getting my blood drawn makes me real woozy, though. I hate having it done.
  • Just totally freaking TERRIFIED. I had some surgery done earlier this year under local anesthetic. My doctor, who knows my phobia well (and laughs at me, dirty bugger), prescribed me valium, not for the surgery, but for the freezing needles. Maybe he's not such a dirty bugger after all. Did you know that if you are stoned enough, you can look into your own wrist and think how neat it is?
  • I used to be when younger but then had to get them several times a day so got used to them
  • Not really. Only because it's over so quickly. I do unfortunately think about bubbles in my bloodstream while it's being done though.
  • not at all - I used to be an IV drug user and I am going to go get blood drawn today at the lab!
  • I don't enjoy them - they always sting! I'm not scared though, I actually find getting my blood taken much better - fascinating to watch!
  • no, i once watched a Dr put 7 stitches in my finger because I was facinated by how he tied the knots
  • No but I'm afraid of getting blood taking out of me...i imagine that i would feel lost or like something was missing...idk...but i really want to get in the habit of doing thaPr
  • Yes, I'm afraid of needles - although the fear didn't stop me from getting a tattoo
  • Its odd. I cringe and the site of medical needles and IV's but I luv piercings and hooks and what not. Odd.
  • I have never had a fear of needles. I have never felt they were painful at all.
  • No. I prefer to not look at the needle while it is happening, but there is no fear.
  • No big deal. I like to watch.
  • There are injections and injections. Some hurt and some don't. For reason, I can't remember what now, I had to have an intramuscular injection into my backside of a large quantity of something with the consistency of glue through a needle that felt like a core-sampler. I wasn't scared; but it did hurt.
  • Nah. It is so old hat to me now that I don't even think about it. Anyone who was ever in the military felt like a pin cushion by the time they were even out of basic training. And, of course, it continued. Military personnel are probably the healthiest and most disease resistant people in the world.
  • I for one hate injections with needles and I am a nurse. I turn my head whenever I get one.
  • No, i am never scared!
  • Not really, but it's true that some people do get terrified at getting a slight sting and yet completely failed to show any empathy and mercy to the livestock animals who are murdered around the clock in the most barbaric and brutal ways to meet their insatiable demand for flesh. What utterly repulsive a life form have these humans evolved into?
  • I use to be, but after having to give myself allergy injections; I got over it.
  • no do not bothr me
  • No I'm not, in fact, when I was in grade school and the nurses came to give us all shots and vaccinations, I always wanted to watch. Of course the nurses always had to turn my head away. They spoiled my fun. :)
  • It's funny. I have a tattoo, i wish that I could donate blood or sell plasma -- I'm not opposed to getting poked... but I can't watch it go in and I don't really want to look at it in there. I had a friend have a tooth drilled with no novacaine because of her terror of needles. I guess they just swabbed the area with topical stuff as well they could.
  • I get really scared of injections. I sometimes almost wish that someone throws a rock at me, instead of having to get poked.
  • Yes. I fear needles greatly. Along with blood. And hospitals in general.
  • Yes, have been scared of that before, but haven't had to have any all that much. The last time I did, it was one at my lower back. I was so fearful of getting that! I saw that big needle! But then, after I got it, I realized it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
  • I'm not scared but I don't usually watch. It's pain but it's not that bad. Experience tells me it will heal soon. . That said, there are some medications and immunizations that hurt for a LONG time.

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