• yes but dont need to
  • Zack, if I ever do, I just look at one of your avatars and I am reassured that there is a God who loves all men dearly.
  • I dont have a faith but yes I have questioned my non faith.
  • My faith in God is unwavering. However, my faith in Organized religion has come into question many times.
  • I do not quiestion my faith in God but I feel that I can never measure up to the wishes of the Lord no matter how hard I try.
  • Oh yes, if I didn't do that I would count myself very poor as a seeker of truth. In fact, that should be near the very top of the list for someone who cares about the truth: start by questioning what you think you know, then question what you're sure you know, then question what everybody says, then question what you hope is true, then question... well, you get the idea :)
  • I don't believe anyone who says they never questioned their religion or faith. Everyone has doubts. It's human nature. Maybe they are aliens.
  • I agree with ElfenBlue completely!! I never questioned my faith in God but have questioned my faith (and their teachings) in organized religion many, many times. Thanks ElfenBlue!!
  • I was Protestant - then I seriously questioned Christianity (which eventually led me to reject it), then I questioned my atheism (which led to me become agnostic), then once again I really thought about that too... right back around to being strongly atheist. So.. I question every aspect of myself and my beliefs all the time!
  • Yes, I have many times. I was taught you should question your faith, God, doesn’t desire blind (sheep) followers. There is no sin, in investigating your belief's, about God, find out if you are following the truth, or is someone trying to scam you.
  • Yes, I must say that I have. But, as a couple others have said, it's not my faith in God that I really question, it's my faith in organized religion. People "of faith" who use religion to justify hatred certainly need to answer a lot of questions!
  • Not seriously, but I've wondered what's in store for me.
  • Nope. My faith has NEVER been shaken. Not even in VERY difficult times! In the end, God came through!
  • Never. My faith is not's 1000%.
  • Yes - first, as soon as I was old enough to think for myself, I questioned Christianity and revoked it from my life. Even now, as an agnostic with some spiritual beliefs of Native Americans, I sometimes question what I believe. But thats the beauty of being agnostic - we can admit that we do not know what will happen when we die.
  • yes may times.....if I didn't would have blind faith....I don't believe in God just because I was told to....I believe in God for many reasons other than what my parents told me as a child....when a person asks themselves.......What is God?....that is questioning faith. although faith can have different meanings....often Faith Christianity The theological virtue defined as secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God's will.......Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing....Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.....The body of dogma of a religion.
  • god yes! I might be confused but I hope I'm not simple-minded! Faith is not based on certainty - and most faiths are pretty dam hard to adhere to when it comes to doing what I would REALLY like to do....
  • I'm a Muslim so these days I question quite a bit. It is almost hip for "moderates" like me to question. I don't question my faith in God. What I question is the application of the teachings. I attribute this to the perversion of the religion by the "culture" of Islam. Our religion does not have a current central voice, like the Vatican (not that this is any better), so it's not a question of "organized" religion, because frankly it is disorganized. Example: our religious holidays are determined by the lunar cycle. As a result, one holiday is celebrated on different days by different people, even within the same city, simply because there is no consensus. What ever happened to praying shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters? (Get off my back, Creationists and don't start with the whole, Allah is a moon god crap because it simply has no foundation) Further, I think the application of so-called Islamic law, Shariah is perverted. Those fundamental a**holes who flogged the woman on the street in Pakistan claimed to have done it in the name of the religion and therefore are to be protected by Shariah. I have studied the religion extensively and read the Quran. No where is that acceptable. Example: no where in the Quran does it say that a woman must cover her face. I get really annoyed when I hear that Taliban leaders punish women in Afghanistan for not covering their entire bodies, including their entire face. Not even in Mecca, the most sacred place in the Islamic world, is that allowed. (And it looks scary - yes I said it). That is an Afghan tradition, for hundreds of years pre-dating Islam. So, frankly, I constantly question my faith in the application of the religion. I don't think religion should be used a shield to justify unruly and violent behavior. If you look the bare bones, basic religion, without the cultural perversions, I don't question it at all, in fact, I am very satisfied by the religion. Little known fact: the large majority of muslims agree with me. They just don’t get as much airtime on CNN.
  • I've never been given cause to question my Faith. So, my answer would have to be "no". +5
  • I have questioned God, but never my faith
  • Yeah, and then I threw it out the window.
  • My faith in humanity all the time!
  • Nothing destroys Religious Faith more effectively than studying Religious History. -Voltaire.
  • Absolutely. I've questioned my religious faith and my faith in myself. Both bring up good questions, but the most important faith is the faith you have in yourself.
  • I've read " End Of Faith" by Sam Harris
  • I don't want to hear the answer to the question about my faith, I go nuts with that answer.
  • Yes, and I have all the answers I require.
  • Yes; there have been many occassions that I have questioned my faith and myself .... As an ordained pastor , I'm suposse to be the one that assures everyone else ; BUT I am only human ... and sometimes I too, have those moments of weakness ...
  • Most assuredly. I am fond of saying that the unexamined fait is actually no faith at all.
  • Sure, when my Mom died at age 35, (I was 7) and everyday every since!
  • I haven't questioned it seriously. I just sometimes doubt it,and it's inevitable.
  • Yes, several times. I have removed myself from organised religions as a result.
  • I think most people have from time to time, just as we question most things in life.
  • yes i think by questioning it and learning more it makes your faith stronger
  • Indeed I have. So much so that the aforementioned faith said "I have no answer to that", and left...
  • Never but I intend to!
  • No. I have no faith. That went out the door the day the US attacked an innocent country and killed millions of its women and children so that it could plunder and pillage its oil

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