• It's 2009. It's time to move on. Let them marry. Who cares. We have better things to worry about than to worry about 2 people who love each other wanting to marry.
  • Hopefully.
  • Spill? Since when have Vermont and/or Iowa led our country in anything cultural (not to be mistaken for AGRIcultural)?
  • I'm sure there will be more states that will allow marriage between gay and lesbian couples.
  • I live in Massachusetts. We were the first state to allow gay marriage. Guess what. The sky did not fall. Chicken Little is still alive and well here. Our nation was founded on the principle that all are created equal and should have equal rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It's time to make that the reality and not just a smokescreen for entrenched discrimination.
  • One can only hope that the tide of marriage equality will continue.
  • I hope it does happen. I mean in this day and age we have so many other things to worry about aside from whether 2 people of the same sex want to marry or not. IT seems the only people that have a problem with it are those that have a religious or homophobic hangup about it, and that I don't understand because if you don't like gays or you don't want to marry a gay person than don't that is your decision but people should be free to do what they want because YOU are allowed to worship your false gods and nurture your bigotry freely, so should others be allowed to follow their beliefs! I find it often times funny that religious folk would freak out if and when they are persecuted for their beliefs, they think it a "god given" right to be able to hate gays and push beliefs on the rest of the world who doesn't believe as they do, but they want these freedoms but also want to stifle and do away with the freedoms of hypocritical! Let's face it, the institution of marriage is nothing more than a ceremony, if two people are living together, in a relationship, have property and possession together...well in my opinion they practically already ARE married..I say let whoever get married so they can be as miserable as the heterosexual married couples are! As for me, I think my gf and I will continue to stay unmarried and blissful!
  • Well, I certainly hope so. It's about time everyone had equal rights. And, it's about time for those opposed that just because you don't like who someone is, doesn't mean you have the right to dictate their rights.

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