• Size and coat for starters... The link I have provided will give you a bit more information.
  • different spellings! :-P
  • G'day Mr Answer, Thank you for your question. A llama is much bigger than an alpaca and has a longer hair. The alpaca has finer and darker hair than a llama. A llama was primarily used as a beast of burden while alpacas are grown for fur. I have attached sources for your reference. Regards Wikipedia Llama Wikipedia Alpaca Alpacas vs Llamas FAQS on Llamas and Alpacas
  • There is a difference in both the coat and the size of the animals althought they can interbreed and have fertile offspring
  • that answer is not accurate. alpaca's dont necessarily have darker fiber. both llamas and alpacas can range in color from black to white.
  • The llama is about 2x as big, which means it smells and poops 2x as much!
  • boy george
  • alpacas are better
  • I own both animals. Alpacas and Llamas are related to each other and can even breed and reproduce crias (babies) together. If you did a genetic work-up, you'd find most alpacas have some llama in their background. Alpacas have been prized for their fiber predating the time of Christ. So you can imagine how many generations have been chosen to breed to each other to make the fiber even finer. Due to the size of the llama, they were bred to be "beasts of burdeon" i.e. carry things. Not many people focused on their fiber so they were really never given the opportunity to improve in that area. Both alpacas and Llamas come in over 52 colors. I have one who looks almost purple when her fiber is spun. Both animals are very intelligent. They can be trained to run an obstical course just like dogs and many have the ability to learn over 300 vocal commands. Although I own over 50 alpacas, only 5 come close to being that smart. But I do have a few who can lay down on command. One will take the garden hose and hose the other animals down for me. Five of them will jump into my car when I ask them to, and one will even hand out my farm brochures. Unfortunately, most people treat these animals like sheep so they get the opportunity to see just how intelligent these animals can be. However, just like dogs...there are dumb ones as well as intelligent ones. Alpacas and Llamas are also related to Camels. ;-) Hope this helps.
  • llamas r better

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