• Otters are not pets they are wonderful funny and lovable creatures but they are wild .
  • Otters 'R Us?
  • Most states do not allow you to keep wild animals. Some states will allow you to keep wild animals but you need to have a permit to do so. Make sure that you can keep a river otter and if you need a permit get one right away because if you get caught without a permit you will get a hefty fine and the animal will get taken away. You might even face jail time depending on how many animals you have. Sea otters are illegal to own as pets. SO the chances of you being able to find one to buy it is very slim to none. We knew someone with a pet river otter in the early 1970s, but it's not easy to live with one. They require very detailed care, can get ill very easily in captivity, need access to lots of water, bite HARD! smell musky and do spray at times to mark their territory and are are nocturnal, preferring to run around at night and sleep all day long. They are much happier in the wild because they ARE wild animals, not domesticated pets.
  • Keeping an otter may very well be a legal issue -- you should check with your state/regional laws. In my opinion, keeping an otter would also be a moral issue. There is a difference between a wild and a domestic animal. An individual wild animal can't be domesticated: domestication takes generations. A wild animal will never be satisfied in a domestic environment, no matter how well you take care of it. Aside from this ethical concern, there is the practical concern of taking care of an otter. Do you really believe you'll be able to meet all of its needs? Have you considered and thoroughly researched an otter's dietary, environmental, and social needs? I urge you to reconsider. What rights do you believe an otter has? This is an important issue that you must consider before bringing an otter into your home. Personally, I believe if you were to bring an otter into your home, you'd be committing a despicable act.
  • At the Otter Store of course.
  • IF they are legal in your area, here is a site: . Oh, and next time, don't be so d*mned rude in your question.
  • As they are wild animals, require environments difficult to replicate, and are endangered (some species), they are not sold as pets. Also? A responsible pet owner should be very interested in the reasons they should not get X animal, because it helps to know how to care for it.

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