• Bipolar Disorder is synonymous with Manic-Depressive. Mania is characterized by euphoria, flight of thoughts, feeling on top of the world. Depression can be characterized by sleep and appetite disturbances, loss of enjoyment in activities, etc. A bipolar person experiences both of these at different times. He or she may be depressed for a couple of weeks, then be manic for a couple of weeks. Mood stabilizing drugs are used to treat it.
  • What it means is that the person has a tendency to overwork their neurotransmitters, causing exhaustion. To recognize the core of the problem, there isn't a bi-polar person out there that I am aware of that wouldn't want to keep the manic part, and get rid of the depressive part. But if you understand that the manic part is the precursor to the depression, you are half-way to a solution. In order to quit being unhappy for no reason, you must tackle being happy for no reason first, primarily by finding a reason. Fill your day with small accomplishments - build a model airplane, call an old friend and HELP THEM, and focus on weaning yourself from the HIGH of mania. Other than that, look into Lithium, a natural element with remarkable properties - they are like little atomic capacitors that absorb the manic, and distribute it to the depressive, effectively bringing you more towards the center. In regions where Lithium is abundant in the water supplies, you will find the most mellow people. (NE U.S., Canada)
  • Bipolar Disorder is a mood disorder where the individual has highs "mania" and lows "depression" the goal of treatment is to keep the person in the middle of these extremes this is accomplished by the use of mood stabilizing medications and anti depressents. people who are manic can have very dangerous flight of ideas and euphoria incresed sexual drive, will go on major spending sprees alot of times with money that they cannot afford to spend. on the flip side when they are depressed the suicide rate among this diagnosed population increases ten-fold as it feels as if the rug has been pulled out from under them also whether manic or depressed appetite is affected sleep disturbances and many others
  • Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in a person's mood, energy, and ability to function. Different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through, the symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe. They can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance, and even suicide. Bipolar disorder causes dramatic mood swings—from overly "high" and/or irritable to sad and hopeless, and then back again, often with periods of normal mood in between. Severe changes in energy and behavior go along with these changes in mood. The periods of highs and lows are called episodes of mania and depression.
  • Bipolar is different for every one. "Mania" is one of the major symptoms, Mania is intense mood swings, at one moment you will feel more happy then you have ever felt, the next minute you will hate everyone and could careless if the world would end. In that state of mind you are more likely to hurt yourself, and others. Depression happens at a different time then mania. You could have a mania episode when you have depression. Depression with BD, is different then just having depression. With BD depression symptoms are more severe then regular depression. You will feel EXTREME anxiety, Fear, and worries, You can sometimes want to kill yourself, kill others, You will have thoughts of killing other people or yourself. You can have the feeling of not wanting to get out of bed, or wanting to sleep all day. But as i said symptoms differ with every person. You can also develop other disorder while having BD such as OCD, Social anxiety diorder, Cleptomania, etc. With certain people, symptoms could be more intense, or symptoms could not even be noticeable...
  • Could the disorder be treated without the assistance of a doctor?
  • Look here, this is a very well done fact filled site. What is Bipolar Disorder? Everyone has feelings of happiness and sadness once in a while. Feeling high and feeling low are part of life. But for someone with bipolar disorder (sometimes called manic depression), these feelings can be extreme: These ups and downs can be too much for a person to cope with. They can interfere with daily life. Sometimes they can even be dangerous. The ups and downs One day you may feel so depressed that you can't get out of bed. Work may seem impossible. On another day you may feel great and full of endless energy. You may feel like you’re getting a lot done. But other people might think that what you are doing is dangerous and out of control. Bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition. It can be hard for healthcare providers to diagnose. But it's nothing to be embarrassed about. Learning more about how to manage the condition can help.

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