• If this is outside of the agreement that the partners have together, then yes, of course it is.
  • Betrayal is doesn't have to be sexual. It can be emotional, intellectual, whatever. The moment you turn to someone else outside the partnership for anything that your partner should provide you are cheating. Gender is irrelevant! Happy Wednesday! :)
  • Cheating is cheating and trying to justify it is just a waste of time.
  • Yes definitely.
  • I considered it cheating. It was just as difficult for us to deal with as cheating with a man.
  • Best to invite him along next time, he may forgive you but it is cheating and by asking you already know the answer..... Say would you be happy if he was getting his rocks off with Barry from the hard-ware store and then heading over to see you.....?
  • I am a male that has had several relationships with bi-sexual females (and one specifically that claimed to be completely lesbian, apart from me). One of the most common arguments that I have had with these partners is that they commonly did not consider it to be cheating on me if they were to sleep with a female, on the grounds that it would only be cheating on me if she were to sleep with another male. What do others feel about this situation? Is your partner sleeping with a member of the same sex cheating or not? (Before I get the inevitable and common answers about "why didn't I just join in for a threesome?", that option was offered to me but I declined because even though it would be with her "permission" I would still have considered myself to be cheating on my partner if I slept with anyone else, with or without her permission or interaction. I believe that if you are in a relationship with someone, that you ONLY want to be with that person and do not wish to sleep with anyone else at all).
  • Yes,of course.
  • Yes, sex is sex, end of story.
  • Depends on if your relationship is open to that or not. Some men wouldn't mind, some men wouldn't mind as long as they are there, and others wouldn't want anything at all to do with it.
  • No matter what sex I consider it cheating if a you are in relationship and have sexual relation with another person.
  • i think its cheating, but this question is going to get all kinds of variations. To me, cheating is cheating. to the man, as long as he gets to participate, he wont consider it cheating. if he gets refused, then it will become cheating again.
  • Duh! Your sleeping with someone other than your partner. That is called cheating.
  • Hi, I am not sure if this is cheating or not. But it's a matter of what you think in this regard. If you love your husband truly but still cant stop yourself from being sleeping with a lady (Sometimes) whom you also love much then it should not be a problem. My advise to you is listen to what your heart says? The answer is hidden in you. No body else can answer this.
  • Only the chic is SMOKING HOT not at all. I call it having lots of fun!!!
  • Depends on her arrangement with her partner. Cheating is cheating regardless of gender.
  • In this case it is a moral, emotional and intellectual betrayal to the partner, gender is not and issue. Thus in my opinion it is 100% betrayal. In this particular case same sex relationships do not happen overnight, it had been cooking for a while then the betrayal to the partner is far worse as there was intention and premeditation.
  • Not if I get to watch. =P
  • It's exactly as bad as if she sleep with a different man. As someone who experienced this, it is still cheating and it hurts just the same.
  • only if I dont get to hold the video camera.
  • I believe, that yes, it is cheating. Whether its another woman or not, its being unfaithful to her partner.
  • If it's done without thier partner's consent it is.
  • Absolutely, doesn't matter if it's with someone of the same sex, or the opposite sex, it is still considered cheating but however if the partner wants to watch 2 women together and agreed to it then it is not a form of cheating. Cheating is cheating, no matter who you do it with...
  • Cheating is cheating plain and simple.Anything that may destabilize a relationship such as sleeping with another person is infidelity.
  • if it is really sleeping then no, but if they are being sexual then yes that is cheating.
  • All the questions that go like "is it cheating if...." can't be answered universally. It really depends on your relationship. Every relationship has to define individual boundaries. But what you say sounds a little as if you've made the experience that girls you've been with just used the excuse "but it's not cheating if it's not another guy" to sleep with someone else. They should just be honest to themselves and to their partners and clarify from the start that they just aren't monogamous.
  • No i wouldnt consider it cheating as i cant complete with another womens body and its a turn on But i have never been in that type of sitution before so who knows
  • I think it's cheathing, unless it was a 3-way
  • Yes, I think so.
  • If you're in a relationship with someone, and you have sex with someone's cheating. Gender is irrelevant.
  • Yes, unless they have an open relationship (if the rules they've agreed to allow for seeing other people, then seeing other people isn't a violation of the rules.)
  • Yes cheating is cheating and is morally wrong
  • Infidelity is infidelity, whether with a male or female. It is a constant.

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