• Leave evil spirit bait in your neighbor's yard.
  • Had someone come in the bless each and every room of my house.
  • Xanax and Prozac.
  • Get rid of all the booze.
  • Stop having anything to do with the occult. Throw away any object that you might own that is related to the occult.
  • Oust surface disinfectant and air sanitizer
  • I don't let my Mother visit:)
  • Divorce her. Worked for me.
  • Turn off the TV
  • Sprinkle Hawaiian salt around your home. Some naughty ghost like to follow people home, especially if you just returned from a funeral. That's where they all hang out you know. Before entering your house, remove your shoes and step in a bucked or pan with Hawaiian salt. It’ll stop them dead in their tracks. There's a lot more, too many to list.
  • call a vicar in .
  • you could read the new testament out loud.
  • fact the common answer here is that there would be an answer of sorts - but in fact there is no direct answer here. If there are evil spirits in your house (so you think) then there must also be good spirits too. It is impossible to expel one without the other. A spirit in this realm has a neutral path - which is to say that an exorcism for example would not be able to distinguish which spirit to expel. A common fallacy here is that good and evil fight for the right to "Be". Good and Evil - or light verses darkness – is one of the most ubiquitous dualities in human history. Only a Spirit itself can allow itself to be distinguished as good or evil. Most will leave you alone and go about their business. But I leave you with no dissolution; DO NOT meddle in affairs you are not familiar with. The Spirit world is forever willing and waiting – from both realms. Most of us have what is commonly known as a Guardian Angel. Humans like to think of these Spirits as a higher power that watches over them. It has been know in certain covens and circles that some Spirits will keep a presence only to keep watch – and never to interfere with the living. Maybe an invite to a coven somewhere would enlighten you more on this most intriguing subject. I for one as I think I have told you before am a Pagan. I also delve in white magic and the occult when needed. There are many that would argue that a witch is an old lady in a black pointy hat and rides a broomstick and has a black cat. I just laugh myself silly. Many white witches now live in Eire and are available for consultation on many issues. Knowledge is merely there for the taking – you just have to know where to look and how to process the data…hope this helped… ;-)
  • You must first of all establish whether the spirits in your house are evil, or just playful poltergiest. From a professional point of view you should contact your local paranormal society. You will probably find one on the web that can come and research your home. Never dabble in things you dont know about as they can often get out of hand.
  • I usually pour them down the kitchen sink.
  • Start singing loudly....
  • Drink them all.....! And remember to recycle those bottles.
  • My parents used to have their parish priest bless the house. I can't say it did anything because they were always fighting.
  • You ask your mother-in-law to take her leave.
  • buy showing compassion towards them and making them friends
  • As salamu allaiqum dear visit this website get rid of evil jinn devil with the help of quran inshallah your problem will solve remember me in your prayer amel soname

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