• blood can represent many things, if your hands are covered in blood, it may represent a emotional jold that you resently had.
  • It would depend upon everything else in the dream surrounding "the blood." In a general sense, it can mean LIFE, or something that sustains life...Death too, or change could be possible symbols. It could relate to the emotional being or the physical have to look at the whole to see the possible meaning.
  • Disease, in my book.
  • Depending on who is bleeding and out of what part of the body would help more. Basically it means "guilt." When we have done something, or we are hiding something, it can come out in our dreams, as blood. It is what keeps us alive and healthy, so it also indicates that whatever this is you are holding onto, is slowly making you kinda sick. Resolve the issue and the dream will stop
  • i had a dream last night where i was in a house that looked really familiar and i was sitting with is guy i am not sure who and this cut comes up to me meows and digs its claws into my wrists and does it a few times and it getting into my veins and i bleeduncontrollably and i wake up. it freaked me out. and lol

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