• In a hope nobody will want them
  • It must be based on personality from what I've heard.
  • Because some people aren't shallow and only date people for their looks. They go beyond whats on the outside and love the person for who they are.
  • because not all attractive women are shallow. There is such a thing as actually liking someone.
  • Beauty is relative to one another. It is also based on personality.
  • It's what's in the heart.
  • their stable
  • Because most attractive men are Aholes.
  • because they have personality and can make us laugh.
  • beauty's in eye of the beholder
  • Maybe they don't find them ugly.
  • 1) They are not shallow, and like the man (obviously) for more than his looks. 2) They are "out" with their fathers. (And who you calling "ugly"! LOL) 3) The men are rich and they're golddiggers. 4) The men have enormous "schwanstickas" (think Blazing Saddles) and make the women "happy" in many other ways!
  • Love is Blind :)
  • I had a best friend who was not very physically attractive. But the more I got to know him & his personality, he became so gorgeous in my eyes
  • I'm answering this question considering a non attractive man who is just a well-off as an attractive man: Some extremely attractive women go out with non-attractive men as these guys don't think they have a chance with the girl, and the girl knows she is valued for more than her looks. They are not full of it, because they have no majorly hot looks to be full of. Also, the more you get to know someone with a fabulous personality, the more attractive they become to you. The more you get to know someone hot with a not so great personality, the less attractive they'll become to you over time. Attractive looks reel you in, attractive personalities keep you there.
  • hi there, Like to rephrase that question?? Why DON'T attractive women go out with ugly men??? Why don't people look on the inside of a person instead of out??
  • Lots of reasons......all of them have a Dead President printed on them! (Oh and personality hahahaha I was laughing so much I nearly forgot!)
  • They probably figure ONE queen in the relationship is enough.
  • Because not all women are as shallow as to be with someone based on looks alone.
  • To annoy the rest of us. But seriously... where them pretty girls at? (-_-)
  • The same reason why an attractive guy might choose to be with someone society would consider "unattractive": because A) They might not consider their significant other unattractive, and B) Attractive people often struggle to get their way because they feel they deserve everything on the simple basis of being attractive.
  • Because beauty is in the eye of the beholder and obviously you see something different when you look at these "ugly" men than the women that are with them. The majority of women are not as visually stimulated as men are either. Most women prefer men who treat them well to men who are just good looking and that's it. I've seen some very physically attractive men who treated the women they were with crappy because they were disposable to him because he thought he was so good looking he could get anyone.
  • Some people see beauty beneath the surface and sometimes that beauty shines brighter for them, than any exterior beauty ever will. Ugly is only ugly if you think it is :)
  • Maybe because they're not superficial. OR Maybe they're incredibly superficial and are doing it for money or power. I suspect for each individual instance the true answer lies somewhere between those two.
  • Because each of us finds beauty in different things, different people. We all know couples about whom we say "what does she see in him?" or "what does he see in her?". Just because someone doesn't ring your chimes or float your boat, it doesn't mean said person isn't a fantastic person. It is only the EOTB (eye of the beholder) that counts..everything else is irrelevant. :)
  • because ugly men appreciate them more, show it and are less likely to cheat than their hot male countrparts. I find that hot men can only love themselves
  • Easy, pheremones. Beautiful women are attracted to the ugly man's pheremones. If the rules of natural selection by looks alone where the main factor, uglyness would be extinct by now. Therefore ugly men have evolved to have gorgeously scented pheremones to attract their prey. I mean beautiful women.
  • Well whats ugly in your eyes may be godly in hers? She may have low self esteem? He might have an amazing personality? He might be loaded or unbelievably good in bed? He makes her laugh? Perhaps he appreciates her more than all the 'non ugly' guys shes dated? Maybe shes a mail order bride? This is the same as asking why anyone goes out with anyone. It's personal preference. Different strokes different folks.
  • They are playing safe,just think about it. Why do some women date disabled men like myself,its the same answer. In my case I can run away. Why do some men marry ugly women. Who would steal them?
  • Because they have outgrown being superficial and are looking for more solid characteristics.
  • Theres more to ugly guys than just their looks.
  • Because they like their personality.
  • Don't know I will ask my wife why she married me when I get home.
  • Don't know.Only an Ugly man can answer.I really don't know.
  • because personality and looks in the eye on the beholder what you mite think is ugly she mite think is sexy . i hate pretty boys that spend hours getting ready i love stubble rough look sexy and i think eyebrow rings the sex grrrr
  • Personality, affluence, charisma...
  • Money, money mon-ey!
  • "Attractive" and "ugly" are very objective. What I think is attractive, you might find "ugly". We really can't judge this and why would we want to.
  • Because women, often times, are more attracted to what a man can provide as opposed to how they look. Men, on the other hand, will mostly prefer the youngest, hottest female that they can afford...
  • You don't have to worry about them cheating. They are usually much sweeter than handsome men. They treat you with great kindness and adoration.
  • Because not everyone is enamored by physical beauty.
  • Woman love with their heart not with their eyes.
  • No clue, but can you tell me where I might find them?:)...the women that is:)
  • Because they're have a good personality?
  • Amazing isn't it? I think about Julia Roberts and Lyle Lovett. So I express my amazement to my wife and she immediately starts to say all these nice things about Lyle Lovett probably being very interesting and talented and looks aren't everything like she would hop into bed with him in a minute and I don't see Julia Roberts giving me the time of day despite my ... ah, whatever .... women .... go figure ....
  • Because they have self esteem issues. Men do the same thing. But sometimes, maybe that ugly guy is just genuinely nice.
  • They may have money or confidence- the ugly guys i mean.
  • Yes, it's great. I don't know why. One of my life's ambitions was to be the stimulus of that eternal question 'What's that lovely woman doing with a man like him?' and it came true. It must be my charming personality . . .
  • Because ugly men have a more difficult time getting extremely attractive women and those women know it. So when those men do get them, they treat them like gold and cherish them. And also those women KNOW that those men won't act up and cheat on them because they know they will have a hard time getting someone else to replace them.
  • It could be a money issue or as everyone else said they are not shallow, somehow I doubt that thou.
  • Because beautiful or ugly, society does not teach women to value themselves.
  • I'm not a woman, but I have noticed that every time I've seen a homely man with an attractive woman and had time to pay attention?:::: He ENGAGED her mentally, He kept her talking, thinking, sharing. This makes a dude interesting. So we should all pay attention. We can sit there with our beers and grunt at the game, while we all but ignore our catches - But somewhere out there is a short, balding dude with a big nose and a big imagination who may spin our girl's world in ways we cannot. To the attractive woman's credit - she must have overcome some primal desire to breed for genetics and tolerate a shithead because he looked "studly". Good for her. I hope he keeps her engaged.
  • mmmmmmmmmm, maybe he's funny. or successful
  • No what I really want to know. why I always see ugly woman with some nice sexy looking men... why>??? why ??????????????
  • Women are not as shallow as men. On top of that, the criteria for choosing a mate has changed as humans have evolved. Choosing an attractive mate in the past meant you were choosing someone who was strong and healthy and therefore could pass on the best genes to future generations. This was imbedded in us since the time of the hunter/gatherers. But nowadays survival and success in more dependent on other factors such as intelligence, financial standings, and aggressive business attitude.
  • not sure but i aint complaining
  • Ugly men have either the balls or money or both to approach attractive women...
  • um... some are gold diggers and other are just nice people who want to date a nice man. its possible
  • Because male or female and attractive or not some people are looking for the fruit and not just the flower. Character is more important to some people.......traits these people would mostly like find desirable are faithfulness, courage, fortitude, honesty, integrity, kind, intelligent, noble, whole-hearted and loyalty. Really....inside is where the beauty is found.
  • Because they are not looking at his outer looks and are with him for the person he is.
  • maybe her perception is distorted..but there is a possibility that she might find him appealing to her..and she might genuinely care for him
  • I think many attractive women are after an ugly guy's money--especially if he is making big bucks.
  • Maybe she sees more than just his looks. He may be a nice, honest, sensitive guy. He could have all the other qualities that she wants. Looks are only skin deep, and not necessarily the most important to some people.
  • In simple terms worms eats apples. It's like that.
  • if that lady is not a gold digger then maybe that man is the real soul mate for that lady
  • The first day I found the guy I'm with I never thought I'd be with him because I thought he looked so awful. I dated him for seven months after awhile of making fun of him behind his back. We broke up because of reasons like that. I ended up realizing three years later what an idiot I was to think looks mattered and contacted him through email. I didn't even see him again when I told him I never got over him. We're together now and wow does he look good. If you love someone's personality first it's said that you'll eventually be attracted to their looks as well.
  • My friends and I (even the guys) feel that you either have to be good looking or you have to be nice. Perhaps the man is really, really nice.
  • One of these reasons 1. Money. 2. They like to be in the center of attention. 3. They like ugly man.
  • Its the personality factor that usually gets involved.
  • because they probably see beyond looks, and actually look at the person and their personality
  • they have a great personality or a lot of game.
  • because sometimes that girls IQ is higher than any pretty boys iq. It's whats inside that counts. If that person makes you happy, then you'll find evrything attractive about him, but if your superficial and are embarrissed to be around him, then its probably about money.
  • Unattractive men will pay ;-)
  • Because they find their bank balance extremely attractive!
  • I made this mistake. I thought my ugly ex boyfriend wouldnt cheat on me cos no other girl would look at him......... I was so wrong, he had the gift of the gab and going out with me made him more confident than ever!!
  • I am still in hunt for this answer! Hope i will discover soon!
  • 99.99%.For money.
  • I dont just glad im pretty :)
  • Yeah, if they go out with them and they're ugly it's either for their personality or their loaded.
  • Money...but it goes the other way as well. As a complete heterosexual, I can say that Hugh Jackman's wife is an example of the opposite (attractive guy, older-less attractive woman)...These people must have extraordinary personalities...
  • Not all beautiful women are shallow. Not all beautiful women plans to go out with an ugly men just to use them for money (golddiggers). Not all beautiful women use men to get whatever they want.
  • Not all attractive women are is in the eye of the beholder.
  • sometimes ir's money and then sometimes people just like each other.
  • its true love,that's why.
  • LOTS of Money, LOTS of personality, and once in a really rare while, both.
  • probably because he knows how to treat a woman right!!!! and what could possibly be more handsome and sexy than that???????
  • Some attractive women are not shallow, contrary to popular belief, and are able to carry on a meaningful romantic relationship based on more than looks.
  • because they have had poor experiences with attractive men in the past
  • My husband asks me this often, i tell him his has a good heart and because he wanted to get to know more than my body :) I chose him because I am not a piece of meat, or some toy to dangle along to show his mates. The men who are lesser better looking than models can actually hold an intelligent conversation and are willing to romance a lady. The male exotic dancers i used to date looked at themselves in the mirror more than me?
  • Because Jenn loves me.
  • For the money and/or status I'm sure.
  • Just becasuse a woman is pretty doesn't mean she is stupid. Maybe, just maybe, she is smart enough to look below the usual definition of what is attractive and see some inner strength that she admires. And remember, no matter how attractive you might fancy yourself as being, father time and mother nature in a very few years will adjust your looks and if there is no substance in that body, living with you will grow very tiresome very quickly.
  • Some women don't care what a man looks like. They just want someone to be able care for them and love them the way they do.
  • to piss me off
  • Because they do not men who are extremely arrogent and they see more than just physically attraction. They see character and that persons heart.
  • I do if/and because their rich.

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