• Oh God! Here we go again! Libra is not supposed to be compatible with Capricorn... but astrology has been known to be wrong.
  • If you honestly think that the date of your birth really makes any difference in your interpersonal relationships, you have pretty big problems.
  • I'm a female capricorn who is dating a male Libra. For the first time both of us are convinced we've found our soulmate. All of the compatibility information we've read has not dictated how our relationship has blossomed. I believe that has been because we've established a commitment to open, honest and ongoing communication. Once that is the foundation for any relationship, you'd be amazed at the life you can actualize together. Blissful wishes in your relationship!
  • Libra males are flirts with other women..Once Capricorn female sees that she will flip out..Capricorn wants to control libra, since he is a air sign he will secretly recent her and look for other women..Their sexual life is a cold one, so stay away from each other or regret it for the rest of your life...good luck out there..
  • Think twice because you may live to regret it.
  • Run away, Capricorns will depress libra.. Libra will find them boring as hell and will look for another relationship real soon..
  • Im a libra and my guy is a capricorn and i do find him really boring. Capricorns are really deppressing and they tend to wreck nerves, seriously. Ive been with my guy for a year and almost all my exs very capricorns. Its like the same thing, different face!
  • Libra will get bored with you..Air and earth create dust.Runaway, Capricorn go well with, tarus, virgo. good luck
  • Libra male will soon be bored with Capricorn women, he won't be loyal to her. Its starts off good but let me tell you something he is looking for someone else while he is with you..Libras a great manipulators and can hide secrets, Oh sure he will come home to you, but where was he at lunch time, taking out the office secretary for lunch because she look fabulous that morning..Don't be fooled by him..Its not going to last, watch him while he drifts into space, he is thinking about another women that he just met..Not a good relationship at all..You will not be able to trust him..
  • I definitely agree that Capricorn females are way too emotional to handle the care-free libras. This relationship will more than likely fail, because libras can be very secretive; which drives capricorns crazy (caps like honesty and are down to earth). If there is a gap in communication between these two, someone will be more than likely to cheat, if not, end the relationship. The controlling nature of capricorn can back fire, when the libra uses these tactics against her-manipulating sensitive cap. This can ONLY work if communication and honesty is at its most high.
  • Let me apologise for not reading the entire post, but I feel strongly on this....yes I'm a cap female who was badly burnt by a libran man. Initially I felt the exact same way as the female in the last post ....'For the first time both of us are convinced we've found our soulmate'. In reality that is part of the libran charm and deception. Enjoy it while it last don't take the relationship too seriously because the libran man does not. They charming, very DECEPTIVE, opportunistic, two-timing liars who are only in it for what they can get. Be warned. I wish someone had warned me before. I'm now left with a child to raise entirely on my own, and he refuse to even spend time with or call his very own flesh and blood. They also have no back bone and really think that if they ignore an issue, it will just disappear
  • Perhaps it's because I'm on the Sagittarius/Capricorn cusp, however my relationship with my Libran husband of many years is truly my proof that this can be a perfect match. He is the yin to my yang and my best friend. His libran qualities balance me and my realistic approach to life balances him. I don't see why there are so many postings about a Libra's "deceptive" nature. In my experience, it's quite the opposite. INCREDIBLY loyal, trustworthy, and sensitive. I agree that communication must always be 1st priority and when it is, things work perfectly.
  • What the hell has your time of birth got to do with it? Besides, the current star signs are misaligned. You are actually a sign far different from the one which you think you are.
  • Yes! A relationship between a Capricorn woman and Libra male can be beautiful. Libra can calm a Capricorn like no other. They are very good listeners, observant, loyal and sincere. Capricorn will be crazy about Libra and Libra will appreciate Capricorn for her intelligence, wit, humor, and carefulness with money. They can easily be a match made in heaven. (This is all based on personal experience.)
  • Libra and capricorn tend to be a difficult match. They have very different temperaments. Libra is outgoing and cheerful and capricorn is restrained and serious (although can be outgoing but will always put responsibilty first). Libra will often get bogged down with seriousness as he is more rebellious and unconvential and adverse to heavy or serious issues. He may feel closterphobic in this relationship when he looks for a more leisurely and lighthearted agenda. Capricorn may find the libra too changeable. He may be loyal and faithful (depending on the libra) but he is also more efferesent and less constant than the capricorn and not really into routine. The capricorn is a worrier and also may find it hard to trust the freedom loving libra. With both signs also liking independance, both will need to adapt a lot for this to work.
  • Absolutely not, Capricorn, run away your too strict for Libra man..he wants to flirt he needs other woman all the time and he will cheat on you without you knowing it..I know a married couple like that, he can't stand her and he has other woman on the side. she caught him and stays cause she doesn't want to work so he cheats on her all the time. It will not work out run like hell away...
  • Look into here: Scroll down and you'll find what you need to know. ;)
  • Capricorn and Libra look at things in different perspectives. Capricorns ponder things and look at the negative side of things and find ways of coping with them; while librans try to sustain balance and middle ground and would rather observe than do something that doesn't need to be done urgently. Capricorns ebb on the too serious side while librans ebb on the too lazy side of things but do sometimes store energy for matters that need resolving urgently while capricorns are happy to keep on going. The Capricorn would say but I cannot settle till the job is done and the libra would say I cannot settle until you settle first. The libra would say well I need peace to concentrate and then the capricorn would say, but its the stress and the need which motivates me!
  • It doesn't make any difference. What month you were born in does NOT define who you are.
  • I'm a capricorn female that is currently in a crumbling relationship with a started out great.he was sensitive..charming..a great listener and very romantic..2 years into the relationship..everything has changed..he is the total opposite..I don't even recognize this person anymore..and he spaz's everytime I ask him about this female on his job..that I know he likes..but don't worry I'm leaving him! lol I won't sit around and let him treat me like a jerk! I'm a capricorn women I do have standards and lots of options! lol
  • Well, it depends on your moon sign and ascendent signs. I'm a Capricorn female and I've been dating my Libran for 1 1/2 years. Yes, we've had our ups and downs like anybody but he's not your typical (by the book) Libra and I'm not your typical Capricorn female either. My ascendent sign is in Aquarius which makes me more air sign like in nature and his ascendent sign is in Virgo which makes him more down to earth. So we actually compliment eachother's elements and we are a power unit when we work towards being open with each other. Unlike what they say about most Libran males my man is not the type to cheat or flirt. In fact, he barely even flirted with me when we first started talking. He seemed very reserved and serious. I seemed more outgoing and outrageous to him, which is unlike most Capricorns he knows. My past boyrfriends include a Gemini, Taurus, Sagittarius and Leo. I'm supposed be perfect with a Taurus but that didn't work out. Sag and Leo are also a better match than Libra but the Gemini and I lasted longer than anybody else. This is because I have more Aquarian traits than I do Capricorn therefore I get along better with air signs than I do the traditional earth or water mixtures that Astrology books claim are better. It's all bull! It depends on each individual. The first thing you have to do is look up you and your partners ascendent and moon aspects to see if they are conjunct, sextile or trine. For example, if you are a Capricorn female with Aries ascendent and Pisces moon then you will need a Libran that has a Sagittarius, Leo or Pisces ascendent and a Scorpio, Aries, Cancer or Virgo moon. Something like that. Good luck Capricorn chicks! Love ya!
  • to be honest, if the couple is in love, it's possible cause when you love someone, TRULY love someone you will do anything to keep that person happy.

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