• Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal were some countries.
  • Where? In Europe or the world? Worldwide, most countries were neutral. In Europe; Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg, Lichtenstein, Switzerland, Monaco, Czechoslavakia, Austria, Hungary, Ugoslavia, Montenegro, Greece, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Finland...All tried to be "neutral", yet most all were drawn into the war by being attacked regardless of their "neutrality". All of South America was "neutral". Finland was in a unique situation. It was included as one of the former "axis" allies after the war when, in actuality, it was attacked by Soviet Russia before WWII actually began. Stalin was after a land grab that would give him more harbor for his Baltic Fleet. They kicked Stalin's "Invincible" Red Army's butt. Over two million Russians died trying to conquer little Finland. When Hitler attacked Russia in 1941, the Finns naturally made a pact of non-aggression with Germany. No-one came to Finland's aid in their war for survival against Stalin. What else could they do? It is one of many great hypocricies of the war. We crawled in the sack with Stalin when Hitler and the Axis declared war on us, even though Hitler and Stalin had made a mutual agreement to split Poland and eastern Europe between them. There was not two cents worth of difference between the two. The Balkan states were not "Nazis", either. They had to choose between the Axis and Stalin. They decided Stalin was worse. Who is in a position to blame them?
  • Portugal and Spain, also some eastern europe countries... That's all I can remember
  • My country was. but the allied forces occupied it by force and used the railway to support U.S.S.R
  • atlantis
  • Only Switzerland has the reputation of having remained nutral not only in times of war but in times of peace too. This applies to WW II as well.
  • Afghanistan, Andora,Bhutan,Lichenstein,Monaco, Nepal,Paraguay,Portugal,Republic of Ireland,Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,Turkey, Yemen.
  • Usually, the same countries that are neutral no matter what goes on with the rest of the warmongering world

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