• Are you both the same gender? your question did not specify. This is a loaded question, so here is a loaded answer: If you two are male and female, its really, really hard to believe that you have not had sex. if you have not, you are better people than 99.9% of the population of the globe. Okay, with that said, lets say you are not having sex and your question is legitimate. In bed, two people really get to know each other. ever heard of pillow talk? if this person has not made any advances to you, i can only assume this person is not interested in you. i assume you want more than just a physical attraction. Its really difficult to give an answer, not knowing each gender, but here it goes: Buy a small diary. start wriing, using a date in the past, when you two moved in together. tell how you felt about this person, at that time. update your diary to the current date and again give events of the day and how you feel about this person. leave the diary unlocked in an open area. you want this person to read your diary. Give it some time and see what develops. you will either see a dramatic change in the way this person communicates with you or no change at all. I am betting on a wakeup call, from this person, concerning you. "The seed has been planted. it takes a cup of water to make it grow".
  • Communicate, despite your apprehensions. It is possible that the reason that he hasn't made a move in bed with you and hasn't brought up his probable feelings for you is because he respects you and your situation. Flat-mates that engage in sexual relationships often get into stressful situations - especially if you give it a go and it doesn't work out. If you are interested and the only reason you're holding back is because he doesn't want to make the first move, try giving him permission and see what he does with it.
  • It seems clear to me you both like eachother but I can't say whether it's physical attraction or emotional. You both apparently have a lot of respect for eachother and value the friendship you have. Neither of you have been willing to make a move because you are concerned it could drive a wedge between you. Go out to dinner and for a walk on the beach or in the park. Take his hand in yours. I think he would welcome it. I think that if you do that the rest will follow. It's saying it without saying it. I understand you being uncomfortable. Just take his hand.
  • Either this guy has a great deal of respect for you, probabally more than he might have for any other female; Maybe he doesn't want to move to fast or the worst possibility to consider maybe he "stirs a different mix of tea" some guys live in the "closet" when it comes to relationships of the same sex...or some call it living on the "down low". Using females to camaflauge a hideous and secretive (considered) abnormal desire. Watch his habits and the way he interacts with others more. Then again maybe his mom raised him to be respectful and to follow the "golden" christian rules! Just a lot of my "2cents"...I dont know....however I do know I wish you the best in seeking true answers with this relationship...I hope it all works out great!
  • I would be much more forward than other answerers have suggested. Perhaps one night while you are having dinner together you might ask him whether or not he would be interested, but reassure him that you can go either way. Explain that you don;t want to ruin a "beautiful friendship" but you if he would be willing you would too.
  • I would just go for it. S L O W L Y. Innocent flirting and touching, in a friend way, then I would come right out and ask him. Whats the worst that could happen. Nothing, you guys are good friends and more then likley will stay that way even if he doesnt like you like that. How do yhou feel about him, obviosuly you do like him so unless you give him hints (without having sex with him) he might never know. Have you ever given him the idea that you really like him.
  • I am in exactly the same situation!! Not with the sleeping in bed thing, but with intense eye contact, sexy winking, he copies phrases I say that he would never normally use. I don't know whether it is just being flirtatious, do i pursue it? He often blows hot and cold, but I always catch him looking at me out of the corner of my eye....
  • you should be straight forward but not really serious or constricting maybe at a party or dinner
  • I'm simple. Try to kiss him. If he kisses back, he likes you.
  • Don't listen to whoever it was that said "If he hadn't asked, he doesn't want to out." That's a bad mindset, and is a very untrue statement. Does he seem kind of shy? If not, does he act very different when he's alone with you? Then this could mean that he's a little scared to rock the boat, especially since you two are close friends. If he's read everything I've read in the past, he's probably scared that he's been in the 'friend zone' for too long. If you truly feel something, and he seems as shy as my intuition says, ask him how he feels. If he's not that shy, then just give him a few hints before you straight out ask him.
  • I'd say do nothing, just let it happen. You could ruin it by making the move then finding out that he doesn't like you. Just give him some hints, then if he kinda hints/signals back, and if you sense that he's really into it, then you CAN make the move, boys are not the only ones who should make the move.

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