• make HER feel like a looser to others and start lying to her
  • Make sure you aren't just being paranoid and talk to her honestly about the situation.
  • I had a friend like that and I was trying to help him build a business and a life as his mentor. He was lying and sometimes believing his lies because he did not feel good about himself as he was. he thought that if he overinflated his importance with his friends and associates, we would love and appreciate him more. In a series of sessions, I convinced him that his value was not in his accomplishments and that friendship and success required honesty. The truth would never be to hard to handle. He gradually made changes and I held him accountable with his permission. He has grown a lot since then and become very believable. Sometimes when he starts to slip, I call him on it an d he makes the corection. what you want to do for and with your friend depends upon your energy and commitment, but you might sit down and have this serious talk in a non-condemning way and offer your help is she wans it.
  • Trust these other people to see through her lies. If they are at all perceptive, they will not be impressed by her bragging. Just realize that she has some deep-seated need to appear superior, but don't feed that need by arguing with her.
  • Well if you really care about her and having her as a friend then perhaps you have to have a serious talk with her, try and sort things out with her. Be the best friend that you can be, help her and push her along when she slows down.
  • If a friend of mine used and abused me like that, well she (or he) would no longer be my friend. If you still value her friendship even though she does these things then you need to sit her down and have a chat with her and tell her how you feel about it. Odds are she will probably deny she is doing it and consciously she may not realize she is doing it. But you need to tell her to either quit slamming you or you will need to part ways.
  • a liar will always lie and even moreso if being confronted.i have a friend who has lied since the day we met, but i still love and care about him regardless of the lies.Actually I even begin to lie some just to try to get him to see what it felt like to be lied to.Then he just began to call me a big fat liar.It's not my nature, so I stopped.However,I just pray for him and allow him to tell his lies and let him know liar or no liar,I love him and so does God.One day he will realize that once he feels comfortable with who he is inside/out, he will no longer have to lie so much.Only then and only then, will he really begin to reap the rewards of how enjoyable life can really be! He's missed out all his lifetime.
  • It's time to talk to her about it, and call her out on it. If she denies it and/or doesn't change her behavior, it's time to take some time apart. She obviously thinks about her own self more than she does about yours, and also goes out of her way to make you look and feel bad. You don't need people like this in your life, no matter how long you've known them. Talk to her, and assess the situation.

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