• You are attempting spot reduction. This cannot work because all fat burned has to be processed through the same organ first, so it does not matter where the fat comes from. So if you actually burned some fat, it could have come from your arms, or your butt, or even neck. If you want to get rid of belly fat, you are going to have to get rid of fat all over your body, which is a good idea regardless. You will need to diet and exercise, and intelligently.
  • Let me clarify. Any fat loss routine will result in the loss of belly fat, and fat elsewhere at the same time. The best way to do this is to life weights 3 to four days a week, and also do some cardio exercise. (I recommend learning about HIIT High Intensity Interval Training.) You will also need to eat a healthy diet that is low in glycemic carbohydrates. i.e. avoid sugar, candy, bread, and other quickly digested carbohydrates. Also increase quality protein intake. Protein requires more energy for the body to process, and increases metabolism. Healthy fats are important. Get some fish oil capsules. Take 10 a day throughout the day. Check you progress, and you should lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. (might be more the first couple of weeks due to water loss.) As far as you being underweight and still having a pot belly, you are ignoring body composition. You have to understand that the percent of body fat is very important, and in fact weight is not very important. A person could lose 10 pounds of fat and gain 10 pounds of muscle. They will be less fat, but their weight has not changed at all. The fact that you are underweight and still have a pot belly means you are low in lean body mass, and weight lifting will help. Again please understand that if you have fat somewhere, it is fat, and can be burned the same way any fat can. Unfortunately you cannot decide where you body takes that fat from, but if you keep loosing fat, eventually that belly will be gone. As you get leaner, the fat will not only reduce, but your abdominal muscles will become more prominent. You might first have a “two-pack” which later turns into a “four-pack” and if you really work at it you might just get to the coveted “six- pack”. (The leaner you get, the slower and harder the fat loss.) There is nothing magical about belly fat that makes it different then any other fat. It is just the place you body decided to store it. Pot bellies are very prominent in my family, and I know what it is like to fight with that stubborn belly fat. (The same with rear end fat on most women.) But take it from me, if you work at it seriously it will go away.
  • well you would have to increase your cardio allowing you to burn fat all over the body. This can be as simple as walking at least 30 minutes a day depending on your fitness level. Also sit-ups can be hard on your neck and back. Try crunches which are gentle on your body and very effective on your abdominals but remember to not allow your abdominal muscles to relax in between reps you need to keep the muscles active throughout the workout. Crunches alone will not do the trick. You need to also work the transversus muscles surrounding and supporting the abdominal wall. THIS combined with ab workouts such as crunches will help to flatten the belly. 2 exercises to try are kneeling on your hands and knees keeping your back straight not arched. Pull your belly button up and suck in your abdominal muscles tightly without losing the placement of your back and body. Hold this position tightly for 30 seconds. Then release your muscles completely as if trying to touch your navel to the floor again without arching your back or losing placement. Repeat this several times but not until you are experiencing severe discomfort. You may have to shorten the time you do this until you work up to it. In this position it may be difficult so you can perform this exercise while sitting up straight in a chair. This should help you work the entire belly area and start to flatten out that stubborn belly fat.
  • Sit ups don't work for me either. I've tried yoga and Pilates (a work out that focuses on your "Power house" which is the torso area, and it also incorporates a good work out for the arms and legs). Both are great, but I suggest Pilates to you. I can't say it will work for everyone but if you're able, you should try it. You can purchase a video or DVD and work out in the privacy of your own home. Also (and this may sound strange) there are "stripper work outs". I'm not too sure what they're really called but I think Carmen Electra has a workout DVD. It doesn't require you to actually strip. It just shows you some moves that help tone certain areas on your body, especially the legs & abdomen. And again, you can do it in the privacy of your own home.
  • If your belly is "sticky out" rather than flabby it may be that its not actually fat at all, but bloated. Sensitivity to various foods can cause almost permanent bloating if you're eating large amounts. Specific sensitivity varies form person to person, so you may want to speak to a nutritionist before making any major diet changes, but some of the more common culprits are: -Beer, particularly lager, which these days has a large chemical content that a lot of people react badly to. -wheat. Try cutting out wheat and getting your carbs from other grains such as rice, rye bread and oats for a few weeks and see if this helps you. -dairy products -refined and heavily processed foods such as ready meals (A lot of people think that just because a meal claims to be low calorie or low fat its automatically good for them- but many are full of artificial chemicals, preservatives and excessive salt) You may well find that your belly goes down considerably just by changing your eating habits. Do remember to consult a proffesional nutritionist before making any major diet changes though.
  • It's really hard, especially for guys. It's the very last place on the human body that fat stays after everything else is fat-free. Here's the best method: 1. Cut calories, don't over-eat, but eat often, and small meals (eating often keeps your metabolism chugging, making you burn more calories overall). Don't eat like a typical American. Fast food is pretty much out, but count calories. Make fruit/veggies the biggest part of your diet. 2. Move. Walk, run, swim. Cardio burns calories, and that's your goal. 3. Work-out (Weight-train). Building muscle (either for size or definition) burns calories in its own right, plus you'll burn more all the time by having a greater muscle/fat ratio. 4. Invest in metabolism-raisers and substances that cause thermogenesis (stimulants). The best one I know of is the ECA stack (Ephedra/Caffeine/Aspirin) taken in a 1:10:15 proportion. 25mg/250mg/375mg. Caffeine pills (No-Doz & Vivran) might be the cheapest and most effective if you're on a budget. Crystal meth and cocaine work also, but they're dangerous, addictive and not exactly legal. 5. Keep with it. It takes a LONG time. If you don't see results in a day, week or month, that's NORMAL. Just keep dieting, exercising and maintain a positive attitude. It took me around 2 years to get a six-pack, so trust me, it's no over-night venture. Best of luck.
  • I was told by a trainer at the gym that you cannot loose fat from a specific area. So if that is true then lipo is the only way to target one area.
  • go 90% raw veg,fruit 30 days see the change
  • sit-ups will only build the muscle underneath, not remove the fat itself. this is a mistake people make that leads to any even bigger looking stomach. you need to concentrate on losing fat by doing cardio and eating cleaner (lean proteins and low amounts of complex carbs). eat smaller meals more often in order to speed up your metabolism.
  • This worked for me: 10 crunches a minute for 10 minutes daily. My husband, who is in the Navy has a friend that is a Navy Seal and does 10 crunches a minute for an hour every day. I shortened it and it's only been about 2 weeks but I'm already starting to see a difference. Just remember, it takes time. Good luck!
  • Then you'd better stand-down!
  • make a diet for yourself so you can burn the fat on top
  • Sit ups won't do it alone.....its all about how much food you eat. America has become a meal of unbelievable portions. Try cutting your intake by a third then graduate to 1/2......Its hard but it should work......then do your sit ups and you'll love your six pack.
  • go vegetarian. just for a week to see if you like it. its fun, believe it or not.
  • All the answers are valuable. Take them all. Its starts with healthy eating. Cleanse you colon and drink kefir to clean it out. That will give you an inch or two. The best one I know so far is Fucoxanthin. Its an extract from brown seaweed. Its just for belly fat. It can do miracles and has for some. Order it at
  • Lie on your back and raise your legs into the air. Then put your hands on the floor and concentrate on lifting you bum a couple centremetres off the floor (making sure that you aren't using your legs!). Do this every day and you will start to see a clear difference in a couple of weeks. :)
  • Yeah that only makes your belly look fatter... I think you should try doing something like cycling, running, or jumproping. Just try to eat whatever seems healthy for you--you don't have to change your diet completely. Also, don't eat after 7 (yeah, its pretty tough) and eat an early breakfast. It's better to eat small healthy snacks throughout the day than to eat 2 or 3 large meals every day, so just try to separate your meals more, and don't eat when you're not supposed to. Also, don't eat ice cream. xD
  • you just need to get some cardio going. Weightlossdiscs are excellent as they have no joint impact but great cardio benefit. You will notice your belly shrink!! Good luck!! here you can find a good weight loss disc
  • you just need to get some cardio going. Weightlossdiscs are excellent as they have no joint impact but great cardio benefit. You will notice your belly shrink!! Good luck!! here you can find a good weight loss disc

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