• Maybe, but not Clinton!!!!!
  • Could it be any worse than the one you have now?
  • I really hope so. Loads of powers have had female premieres, be they governmental, presidential, or monarchy. They tend, in hindsight, to have been steadying influences for the country and represent progress. I would like to think that the everyday American is mature enough to take this step and regain the respect of the world.
  • Well you know, if we're prepared to have a president who actually has a brain, I think a woman is our best choice.
  • Definitely. I'd go so far as to say we are past due for a female president.
  • No. Wait, let me rephrase. The Democratic party is not ready for Hillary Clinton. The country is not ready for Hillary Clinton. Nobody likes Hillary Clinton. And since she is the only viable female candidate at the moment, by default the US is not ready for a female president.
  • Is anyone else besides me tired of this question? It's as dry as the question about whether the U.S. is ready for a minority president. Women, Asians, Africans, Latinos, etc etc etc have been running other countries around the world, well, FOREVER! Asking this question just throws prejudice back out on the table, for no reason whatsoever. The 'U.S.' has been ready for anyone; it's just whether a woman/minority is ready to handle this worn-out question while trying to BECOME president.
  • Depending on the woman- Yes. I would be first in ilne to vote.
  • No, we are not ready for a female in the Presidents office. I dont think we ever will be.
  • There is nothing to be "ready" for.
  • I cant think of one I would like to see in office, however, should I find myself in a position where there were only women to vote for I would vote for Condoleeza Rice.
  • I certainly hope so, I know I'm ready for a change from the masculine to the feminine aspect of leadership. I feel that society has placed being of the male gender as a prerequisite in the ability to be President, for me it's more of who would be a better canidate for the job - whether they be male or female. Our nation has never given a woman the chance to be President - maybe it is time for a change.
  • No. I think that the political system was meant to be run by men, They have a more aggressive, get-somthing-done additude.
  • Yes, I do. Provided she is someone other than H.C.
  • Hey,I don't know if the U.S. is ready for a female president,but I am ready for one.I really have my doubts that it will ever happen though,especially right now. I'm afraid Bush will pull something out of his arse and remain president for years to come if his little tricks work.*sigh*
  • Definitely
  • Yes, why shouldn't it be? It's not like either is a different species!
  • Not if its Hilary...She gets in..I am defecting..dont know where to..but..
  • UM after bush? hell i'd be satisfied with a rabid elephant. america is ready for a BETTER president, and if that person happens to be a woman, more power to her.
  • I think a woman president would be a good thing for the US, but I believe there are too many voters who would not vote for a woman just because she is a woman.
  • Yeah that's all we need go from Bush to Clinton ha!! No big deal about a woman just not her!
  • We'll have to make that leap of faith sometime. If Hilary looses, I suspect the next decent female candidate to run ( after next election) will win.
  • Great Britain has already had three woman prime ministers and it's a proven fact that woman are capable. What really matters are the voters, and if they are willing to look at a person's credentials or their chest.
  • im a woman and i dont think the president should be a woman , i mean not yet maybe yrs later
  • I don't see why not. The rest of the world has had women as heads of state for years, dating as far back if not further to Mary I and Elizabeth I of England. In the 20th Century, Israel had Golda Meir in the early 1970s, Britain had Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s, Switzerland has had a number of female heads of state, as has Ireland. My own country has had two female prime ministers. Many other countries have had female heads of government as well. Women have in the past managed a government in times of wars, and can do the job just as well as a man. The question might be better phrased as is America ready for Hilary Clinton? Because gender has nothing to do with it - it's the person's politics that count.
  • I don't think gender or race are that big a deal. But the ones the dems are trying to jam down our throats are pathetic.
  • Yes. Or maybe a black president. Or maybe Fred Thompson.
  • I would say,because of the choices that we have,an African American democratic president.
  • Yes most women I know are smarter than most men I know.
  • Men have screwed it up for ages, so why not a woman for president? Now we need to find one that is knowledgeable enough to be our president. Hillary is not the right candidate though!
  • Yes. Just not Hilary Clinton. I've vowed that if she becomes president.. i'm moving to Canada.
  • The US isn't ready for the right to not saying im against democracy, but goddam do we fuck it up
  • I think having a woman or an ethnic leader of the US would be a great thing. But ofc it all depends on their political views! Also its the peoples choice, kinda!
  • Yes. There is no 'ready'. There is only 'just fucking do it already.'
  • I don't think that a woman should be elected just because she is a woman. I don't think that gender or race should come into play at all.
  • ready! its a not a matter of gender but the WILL to thing also is long as the woman candidate is qualified, why not?
  • I don't think being a man or woman has any influence on their ability to govern a country. People shouldn't even refer to them as a 'woman president' or 'male president', but just 'president'. It's a neutral word for a reason : P
  • I think we are ready for one. We were ready for one a long time ago.
  • Honestly, no. I think that people are still stuck on women being inferior, or dumb, or PMS'ing all the time. I honestly believe that we're more ready for a black man, (barack) as opposed to a woman. I'll be voting Barack this upcoming election. Unfortunately, Hilary's just a douchebag, so even if I AM women's lib, I can't vote for the lesser candidate.
  • Sure why not ! If they can raise kids surely they can raise a nation.
  • I believe they are ready,though Hillary won't be the first.
  • Yes, if the right one, even a member of a minority group, is available. I don't see anyone like that at this moment. I mean, a right one....
  • Yes. But I don't think there's any particular woman qualified currently.
  • I think America needs to be confident in a male president before a female one should take the stage. I mean, I think a lot of people might vote female in this election just because they are unhappy with our current state of affairs, and I think that's the wrong reason to do it.
  • I would say no. Americans have to respect the President of the US. I think for many americans, this would be hard if there were a female in office
  • I really think that America needs a big change, I'm not sure if a woman president is the answer, or if we are ready for her to be.
  • We in Britain have a female head of State and have had a female Prime Minister so I say go for it, it can't be any worse than Mr Monkey 'W' Bush.
  • I just think we're ready for a GOOD president. Man woman black white whatever. People need to vote for who they believe is going to do the best job regardless of anything else. I guess only election time will tell whether or not Americans are ready to put aside their own prejudices and do what's best for the country.
  • We need a good president. right now we do not have any qualified women I would vote for.
  • Yes but... *P.S. "camera" added to better explain "celebrity photo shoot"
  • Eh... The political system is so flawed as it is, it's not a surprise that if we get a woman president she'll be less-than-competent. Honestly, "the only people fit to govern are those with no desire to." That said, sure, America's ready. Her people most likely aren't. Between those who vote the straight Republican ticket (ie brainless conformists) and Democrats who don't want a woman in the White House, no no female for likely several terms is going to stand much chance.
  • i dont know...she might menstruate all over some important legislation
  • Yes, I think that socially we are just about ready for a female president. However, I'm not sure that Hillary Clinton is the right PERSON to be elected. Many woman throughout history have been very powerful leaders, many kind, many cruel. I don't think that sex is really a legitimate issue as much as it used to be in America. Nevertheless, there are certainly prejudices that still exist.
  • No not if we are talking about Hillary. She is to wishywashy, she will say anything to anyone to get elected.
  • No I truly don't think so
  • I think America could handle anyone for president, a minority, a women, etc. It just has to be the right woman, and I do not think Hillary Clinton would have a hope in hell to be honest.
  • I agree wih Icebox April, the USA is going down the shitter if they don't get someone who can actually think and act like a president soon. The world, especially the western world, must be ready and willing to work with any type of human being (race, religious belief, gender, etc.) If the American leaders want to be respected by it's diverse people and the people of the rest of the world they must change the way they think. lol so to answer the question...YES
  • A woman president, yes. Definately. Hillary Clinton? No.
  • We've BEEN ready.
  • Yes...and an African American, or someone of any one of a number of other ethnic backgrounds. What we really need is someone who recognizes that it is his/her job to serve the people and not dictate to them.
  • I cannot think of a woman who has less sense than the man currently in office!
  • Well, if you insist on referring to the President as a 'woman president', then I guess not.
  • Many Americans are, but I think enough aren't that we won't be seeing any in there anytime soon. Same goes for a black president. America, you're welcome to surprise me, but I just don't see it happening.
  • Can't be any worse that who we have now.
  • as long as America has THIS kind of election propaganda, no, i don't think so. men are just no ready for it.
  • We ( UK ) have a woman head of state, and had a woman prime minister, I think America can cope :-) In fact I think it could well be a very good thing.
  • Well, men in general have matured to deal with ya'lls emotional needs and PMS, but in fact, we're never ready to deal with or put up with it at all. Who knows!
  • Why not, We've already had a retarded one.
  • you did know that Woodrow Wilson was a woman?
  • Yes... then John Howard can be her b*tch.
  • Sure, why not? Not Hillary though.
  • It depends upon who she is.
  • Ready for a woman? Yes. Ready for Hillary? NO.
  • Yes, but maybe not THAT woman.
  • Yes. Not Clintion, though.
  • I think the question is loaded from the get go. Do we choose between a woman and a black man, that’s the question? First we don’t elect our presidents the Electoral College does; we (Americans) follow a process to make us “feel good.” I’m independent so I don’t follow a particular political agenda. I’m ready for a leader, an ethical businessman or woman, a doer, someone who leads by example. I could care less if he/she the color green, purple or from the plant Mars, just give us someone who is fresh and not paid off by special interests groups.
  • The best option for president at this time is H.Clinton but truth be told with USA in war conflicts at this time i highly doubt she get elected.Can dream though
  • Yes I think that we are ready for a female president. H.Clinton is best for the job. I'm happy that she is a female, but as I view everyone who is running she is the best, so she voted for the war, she also stud up and said that she sees that was good at the time but now it is wrong. I think anyone who can admit they are wrong can change the wrong the bush has done.
  • Never!!!! men rule with their brains...women rule with their emotions...emotions have no place in politics....just my opinion....
  • The President of the United States needs to have so many qualities and characteristics to be successful. The most important of these are intelligence, good moral character, and realistic goals for the country. Let's not add gender as a necessary requirement for being a successful president. I can think of a few presidents who haven't been successful... and so far they have all been males!!
  • I believe the us is ready for a woman and i also believe she would do a better job than the president we have now. This is just my opion.
  • No need, as it's preparing for its first emperor.
  • Why should it matter what sex the President is?
    • Lilo Avli
  • No, not yet. There is no acceptable female candidate yet. I could not become president of the USA since I was born in Fukuoka, Japan.
  • Yes, Kellyanne Conway.

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