• Hire a private doctor to come to your house.
  • Lmao. You should probably just go, unless you're some kinda soldier, or Aragorn. >_>
  • Write a letter to your mom. Apologize for all the heartache you caused her.
  • Hope and Pray it isn't a bad enough wound to cause you to bleed out, or damage a vital organ. So to be on the safe side I would choose to go and see a doctor or go to the Emergency Room of your local Hospital. +3 for the question.
  • Make a Will.
  • I got stabbed at school once, and I tied my t-shirt around my calf and went home. I poured peroxide in the wound. Then bandaged it, and taped it with sports tape. It was a very stupid thing to do. I wouldn't suggest it.
  • I suggest strongly you go to the hospital. I got stabbed but went home to bed and fell asleep (I was really drunk). I woke up the next day and my whole bed was soaked in blood, so I ended up going to the hospital anyways, with a huge hangover to boot. I should have just went in the first place.
  • If you're concerned about money, I'm pretty sure emergency rooms *have to* treat you. Go.
  • There are only two reasons why you might want to avoid going to the hospital. Either you don't have money or insurance or you are up to no good. Don't be a thug.
  • Go to Sarah Palin's witch doctor
  • who stabbed you? maybe they should be getting you/paying for the doctor.
  • Hmm... Although I don't want to give anyone misleading advice that may end up "back-firing", per se, but here's what I think: My friend once got a really small stab wound from a fight with a person at the same school. He didn't want to go to the hospital (in fear of being suspended or worse, expelled) and cause a big scene about it, so my other friends and I helped disinfect it and stop the blood as much as possible. We then bandaged it and frequently disinfected and replaced the bandage, but in the end, it got infected and he came down with a HUGE fever. My friends and I got in really big trouble for not aiding him to the hospital the moment the accident happened (of course, it was just a really big scolding from the cops and the doctors ><). My best advice would be to GO TO THE HOSPITAL. You never know what might happen; a skilled professional knows best what to do in those situations, and even if your "best friend" says they "know what they're doing", it's better to trust a doctor in those situations. Well, unless your best friend is a doctor as well ;).
  • Start getting drunk because maybe you will pass out before the internal bleeding really jacks you up : ) Think of happy thoughts as the life drains from your body : )
  • Why wouldn't I want to go to the hospital?

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