• I hope not. I do it almost all of the time.
  • It doesnt matter.
  • Uh, no. It's the same thing. You can also type Alt+f4 on your keyboard.
  • actually they are both not that good.use the red "X" button but it would be better to use "alt f4"hit them at the same time and the page(sometiimes even when it is frozen)will shut down.i do this with my computer and it works fine.hope this helps. :)
  • Actually answer man is right the correct way a A+ tech is taught is alt F4 and Vista really prefers this also. But there is a time and place for using the red X too when a popup opens never click the close or exit buttons on them always use the red X to make them go away. But its not like you will harm you system by not using alt F4 its all in what a person gets use too. Vista sometimes has issues with closing by the red X and will think the browser has a problem and will automatically reopen it in 10-15 seconds so its better to use alt F4 if your using IE7.
  • hell no

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