• So if they get married and have kids there baby will most likely become a celeberty!
  • Vanity, insecurity, and to have another reason to be in the limelight.
  • See, Julia Roberts was smart the second time around, she married some guy who works behind the scenes in the movies so she can always have the upper hand and big ego in the relationship. Same goes for Rosie O'Donnell, she can always have the big fame and ego in the family. Birds of a feather, flock together. Musicians like Super Models. Atheletes like Movie Actress
  • They probably think that other people would marry them for their money and fame and not for who they really are. Another reason could be that when becoming a celebrity their going to be socializing with other celebrities most likely and end up getting together with other celebrities because of this. Pathetic, I know.
  • A relationship is less likely to get started if the people don't have that much in common. I think part of it is because a regular person just doesn't have the same frame of reference. No one cares if we go to a restaurant. No one takes pictures as we're walking down the street or takes much notice of who we're with. It's hard for an unknown person to suddenly enter the public eye so it's more usual to see celebrities dating one another.
  • I think people often date folks that they meet in the course of their work.
  • Has anyone ever wondered if some of them where partially aranged to get attention?
  • Because that's the circle they move in and the people they meet.
  • To create drama in the tabloids to fuel their careers, no drama, no buzz,... no buzz, no movie deal, are ya with me so far? It's one big popularity contest, to sell movies and advertising... simple as that.
  • For the same reason they tried to become celebrities in the first place.
  • Other celebrities are probably the only ones who understand how limited their lives have to be,(they can't just go and hang out anywhere they want in public without a mob of gawking losers all trying to get something from them) and how much their work takes priority over a relationship. It would just be easier to be with people who share the same world and have the same experiences. However, not all celebrities date just other celebs, some have stable relationships with normal everyday folk, albeit just a very small percentage of them.
  • Because they think they are too good for any one below their class.
  • understanding and for recognition.
  • Because they have a lot of things in common and can understand what the other is going through
  • Mostly because once you're famous, your entourage shrinks enormously for security reasons, and a celebrity understands the lifestyle of moving to different states on regular basis and being home on irregular intervals.
  • To get more media attention. A 'celebrity' can't marry a 'nobody.' ! Oh, no - that would never do! Neither of them would get their photographs taken, because SheHe's married to a 'nobody.' Think of all the money they'd be missing out on, married to a 'nobody' ! They'd never get their pictures in newspapers or magazines..... Oh, the shame! The humiliation! :-(
  • i think it is to get more attentions.
  • Because they are less likely to take advantage of them and their money.
  • I think there are a few reasons: -Celebrities are much more likely to meet other celebrities. After all, how often are "Normal" people allowed to freely socialise with famous people? -They can get a greater degree of empathy and understanding for the plight of their fame from someone else who goes through it him or herself. -When someone Rich/Famous starts dating someone who's Poor/Not famous, there's often a lot of doubt, both from the public and probably from the people in the relationship, as to whether they just love them for their money and the attention they receive by going around on their arm. -Even when they *Can* be sure of the person's motives, they probably don't want to ruin their life by dragging them out into the limelight.
  • I agree with the most of the other answerers.......just to add, other celebrities might be the only type of people who treat you like a real person.

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