• Dreams are extremely personal. The symbols you find in dreams are your symbols. There will be some overlap when the symbols are common -- for example, many people consider black cats to be bad luck. Most symbols are ones only you can interpret. Say your mom gave you a toothbrush for Christmas, you lost it, and she was angry. And then you dream about a toothbrush. Your past sets up what the symbol means to you. It could mean your mom, it could mean anger, it could mean loss. So, really, the only person who can answer your question about the number 11 is you. That said, people can guess what 11 means. Knowing the context of the dream would help. But without any background information, I would guess the following. 11 is two 1s side by side. So it could be two people together, in unison. 9-11 was a particularly dire time for many. 11 could be a reference to that. It could be a reference to another date or a time in your life. Does anything of significance happen at 11 o'clock, or on the 11th day of a month? One of the frustrating things about dreams is that a symbol can be obvious, but you can't see it. Then you'll have an "AHA!" moment as it comes to you. If this is a big issue for you, I would suggest you write down all the ideas and feelings you have relating to the number, and see if any of them "click". Another thing to keep in mind is that a single dream element can refer to multiple things at once. Dream symbols are thick with layers of meaning. 11 could refer to your 11th birthday, the class you missed at 11, and your 11th wedding anniversary all at once. Hope this helps.
  • Dreaming of seeing specific numbers requires referring to the meaning of those numbers in numerology. When you dream of numbers, write them down as quickly as you can. This involves seeing a house with a number on it, a calendar with a date circled, a license plate number, or any kind of number where you can see the figures clearly. Space here does not permit revealing all the ins and outs of the meanings of numbers, but here are the meanings in a nutshell: 1 - leadership; 2 - diplomacy; 3 - vision; 4 - accomplishment; 5 - adventure; 6 - teaching; 7 - investigation; 8 - problem solving; 9 - healing. Remember that in numerology, if you see a number of more than one digit, such as 326, you add up the digits, as in 3 + 2 + 6 = 11, then 1 + 1 = 2. Then you look to the meaning of the final number, in this case, "2." 2. To dream of numbers that you can't remember after you awaken indicates that confusion and uncertainty lie ahead, and it's important for you to get your details in order - or, your priorities set and in motion.

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