• Unlike for birds and other types of household pets, owners are not required to carry government certification in order to transport the animals between the two countries for purposes of a limited stay. Pets returning to the country of origin (such as after a vacation) undergo the same scrutiny as imported pets. In general, border personnel will want to ensure that the animal is clean, free of disease and that vaccinations are kept up to date. Both countries require the following at the time of crossing: 1. The animal must appear to be healthy. 2. Written certification from a veterinarian must be on hand verifying that the animal is free of diseases communicable to humans and has been vaccinated for rabies. The rabies vaccination certificate must have an expiration date of than 36 months or less; otherwise, the certificate must show that the animal was vaccinated within the preceding 12 months. Kittens and puppies younger than 3 months of age are not required to be vaccinated.
  • Good grief!!!!! Assuming that you have a veterinarian, give him a call and ask! You can probably be certain that the dog's shots, etc., are up to date, at least for starters, and you might want a copy of the dog's records - just in case. Anyway, have a great trip and a good time, and make sure the dog is on a good, strong leash!
  • Canadian Customs may best be able to answer that.

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