• It is my understanding a car can be repo'ed anywhere, other than inside your enclosed garage. I know 2 people who had it repoed in their driveway ( in the US)
  • touchy subject for some. now i have done this myself having been a repo man. i had a car backing out of the driveway and i pulled in behind her to talk to her about the matter. she pulled forward across 5 houses to get away from me. i the repo man was in the wrong because i attempted to block her in which to some states and laws is kidnapping which is simply keeping anyone from leaving wherever they your case the driveway. basically if you are blocked in by a repo man.. dont get out as you will loose your ride. he cant make you get out no matter what and if the cops come depending on if you cause a scene you will keep your car. the cop may ask you tyo get out but you dont have to. hope this helps
  • A repo man can come on your property, they also can enter your garage. The law allows anyone to use reasonable force to recover property.
  • You can't open the garage...
  • Most repo guys will lie to you just to scare you into giving the car up. The most common thing they like to use is words like police,theft, stolen car, and so on. The thing is police officers don't have the time to go knocking on doors to tell people to give up there cars. If that was the case that's all they would be doing all day everyday. Especially in today's economy. My advice to anyone in this situation,especially the ones without a garage to put it in, switch cars with someone until you can come up with the money to catch up with your payments. The reality of it is the only contact info they have on you is what ever info you gave when you bought the car. If you moved, got a new job and all in most cases the repo guy and the bank never have a clue as to where you and the car are.
  • Surprise!! It's not your car and never was. Since you stopped making your payments you should be arrested on theft charges. As far as I know when you are driving 'your' car, you are driving a stolen vehicle. At least they don't call the police on you. They already know your a failure so you might as well give them the car. The secrets out.

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