• Being in love means taking them as they are. With their faults and everything else.
  • Have you never heard the axiom "Love is blind"? OF COURSE, you can overlook a person's shortcomings. Just don't be stupid about it. This means falling in love with prison inmates, drug addicts, gamblers, married individuals, etc. ought to be instant disqualifiers! You have my permission to fall in love with someone who is broke, sings off-key, or has a small collection of unpaid parking tickets -- just not all three! ;-)
  • If you were in Love then you wouldn't really notice their downfalls.
  • when you are IN love you do...but eventually you'll come to and see them
  • If you love me you'll help me fix the things about myself that I can change. You'll love me for who I am but help me to become a better person. Don't overlook anything. Love me despite and because of my flaws.
  • it depends on what those downfalls are and if you can live with them. Everyone has them it's just a matter of whose you can deal with and which one's are deal breakers
  • Everyone has flaws, but it really depends on what the downfall is. If it's something small then yeah, whats the harm. Just as long as he isn't a a felon.
  • I think when you're in love, if you notice the flaws at all (assuming you're not talking HUGE like druggie or abuser) , you don't care that much about them. A sure sign that I'm falling OUT of love is when I start to get irritated by the same little things that were there all along.
  • Well it depends how big those downfalls are but generally, yes - love is undconditional.
  • That's pretty much what people do when they are in love.
  • Most people in love look over the downfall's but it really depends on what they are. I look over the little things but if they are big things that can not be changed or help you should not over look them even if your in "love".
  • Absolutely, nobody's perfect
  • Yes....
  • depends if they're still on that particular downfall.. If they have a dangerous addiction and stubbornly refuse to quit, not even for you.. then I wouldn't even bother. I want a healthy home. However, if it's the past and they've made up for it then of course i'll look over their downfalls. They've proved that they can learn and improve their lifestyle.. i think that's very admirable.
  • Don't just overlook them but try to be of as much help as you can so that they can improve and feel nice about themselves and you feel good for helping the loved one.
  • Well sexy, obviously whatever downfalls you are referring to didn't stop you from getting invloved with the person, I would think that you have already overlooked them.
  • I wouldn't over look them ,but I wouldn't go looking for them either..,,but maybe sit down and talk things over with the person ,,you may be surprised of the downfalls they see in you too , but are not telling of.
  • No, recognizing and accepting someone's downfalls or faults is part of loving them but you should never overlook them. What if they were an alcoholic and drove drunk all the time? I wouldn't want to over look that. If they had a problem with gambling, I would want to be aware of it and not place them in a bad situation if they were trying to avoid such a thing. No, I would never overlook those things.
  • Yes, but you should also look AT them honestly. If they are issues that are going to have a long-term impact on your happiness or well-being, or those of your children, you should make a decision. Be honest with yourself. This person may never change, will I be happy with it?
  • Most of the time, I believe that if soneone is in love, they can't clearly see the other person's downfalls. If you do see them, the endorphins that are released from "being in love" overpower their perception of reality.
  • for the most part, yes. No one is perfect, or should be expected to be. BUT, if the downfalls involve drugs, abuse, cheating, you cant overlook that kind of stuff.
  • No, they should not be ignored, instead I should accept them just as I do everything else.
  • No. I don't think you should.
  • If you want a successful relationship, you must learn to LOVE THE OTHER PERSON'S DOWNFALLS. If you love a person, love them for ALL OF THEIR TRAITS. Don't overlook them, love them. Tough, I know. That's why so many relationships fail.
  • It depends on what those downfalls are! Everyone has their downfalls and if you love someone then I think you would be stupid to leave them for something thats stupid!!!
  • We all have faults and 'downfalls'...even ME! I try to overlook peoples faults, within reason, whether I am in love with them or not!
  • Yes, we can. It is good to be able to talk about it without getting overly emotional or defensive. After all, no one is perfect and you have things about you too that he/she does not like. Once you find the balance, you will find it easy to overlook things that bother you.
  • the fairytale of finding one's prince charming or ones princess is a cannot possibly find a perfect person you can only hope to find the one imperfect soul who is a perfect fit for you and the life you envision for yourself
  • If you are in love some of the downfalls of the other person won't even be noticed by you. If there are downfalls which really bother you then you need to decide whether they outweigh the features you love about this person. Are there more pros or cons and go with the one that outweighs the other

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