• Hmm . . . do you have a link or can you cite an example? Race-based laws would not make a lot of sense in this day and age.
  • Thankyou very much for caring, Bullfrog. (copy and paste of some of the laws at the end. That is why this is so long). The laws are, according to the status crime statutes of 2003 (I think it was... don't quote me on that date) mostly null and void. The status crime statutes render null and void laws against someone "being" something, such as black, white, Gypsy, etc. Some are still on usable and used because they are the ones that do not target us for being, specifically, "Gypsies." The laws that prohibit our traditional lifestyle, without targeting us by name, are still active. For instance, there are laws on the books that limit or even prohibit, nomadic life to varying degrees. They do not say "Gypsy" but target the activity. Application of this particular set of laws is sporadic and, for example, "new age travelers" are not usually caught in them. There are laws that target certain types of crime, commonly thought of as "gypsy crime." More often than not, Gadje commit these crimes, however, these laws are used rigorously against us and, even when Gadje are caught, it is labeled as "gypsy crime." Pure and simple, this is racial profiling. Some of the old anti-Gypsy laws that are, indeed, rendered null and void due to the status crime statutes are still used, mostly as intimidation tactics, because the people who are targeted with them this way do not know the law. The latest instance I know of, personally, where this was done was to a friend of mine from Pennsylvania a couple of years ago. Luckily, he DID know the law. He was told he had better get out of town or he was going to be hauled in. He knew the law and told them to push off. As far as getting the original laws off of there completely, I do not think it can be done. They would have to be repealed individually which is bloody near impossible. As far as the laws against our traditional lifestyle go, I do not think there is a chance of having them repealed. As far as getting more appropriate enforcement of laws against crimes labeled "gypsy crime," I would prefer it to be properly labeled: "distraction burglaries," "snatch and grabs," and the like, rather than "gypsy crime." The crime should be punished, which I fully support, however, remove the racial profiling that accompanies it. Is it going to happen? Doubtful. That these laws were, mostly, taken care of by the status crime statutes is VERY good. When I hear of them still being used and people falling for it, I contact them and tell them the truth. For those who doubt that Bullfrog's question is valid, here are some links: ... this link is about racial profiling. However, look down the page. It gets into these laws by number and date. -------copy and paste coming... Here is a sampling of them: After the passage of this act, it shall be unlawful for any...gypsies... to...settle within the limits of any county of this state [without having first obtained a yearly license to do so] (Pennsylvania Statutes, Section 11810). Any person may demand of any...gypsies that they shall produce or show their license issued within such county, and if they shall refuse to do so...he shall seize all the property in the possession of such [Gypsies] (Pennsylvania Statutes, Section 11803). It is illegal in Pennsylvania to be a Gypsy without a license...Any Gypsy who insists on being what he was born - a Gypsy - without a license, is liable to up to $100 fine and 30 days in jail. A constable may confiscate and sell a convicted Gypsy’s possessions to satisfy the sentence...any person may demand to see a Gypsy’s license. If the Gypsy cannot produce a license, the person may turn the Gypsy in to any convenient justice of the peace (Smart, 1969). Gypsies [in the State of Maryland] must pay jurisdictions a license fee of $1000 before settling or doing business. When any gypsy is arrested, all his property and all the property of members of any group with which he may be traveling, can be confiscated and sold to pay any fine a court may levy against the arrested gypsy. Sheriffs are paid a $10 bounty for any gypsy they arrest who pays the $1000 fee after he is arrested (Logan, 1976). ---------edit (thankyou Zandalee) It was illegal for a "Gypsy" to step foot in NJ until 1998. Also repealed in 1998: The gypsy law, enacted in 1917, allowed local governments to make laws and ordinances to license the various forms of transportation used by gypsies, like horse-drawn carts, as well as their businesses, any goods they sold, places where they were entertained and where they could rent property. .
  • I think that is disgusting. Letting people know, just as you have is in part going to be helpful, we have to change the laws.
  • One thing is to write to the govener first. Ed Rendell wasn't elected in till after that, he might not beaware. Then get a petion of PA voters saying they won't vote for Sate Rep if they do not repeal it (That would be a garentee if it works) if that doesn't work find is the best thing to do is find a lawyer. This is under 'Cival Rights Act' then take it to PA cort. And it might go to the Suprem.

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