• ohh yuk! what the hell! thats the most discusting thing i have ever read
  • No I dont think it should be legal. Children are not emotionally ready for a sexual relationship in any way shape or form. The symptoms of emotional incest revolve around identity loss - lost access to human qualities and emotions. Identity loss is a common consequence of trauma, incest, and abuse. A common symptom of identity loss is an inability to define what you want. Other symptoms are: Relationship Bonds: You are bonded to another person - you are dependent Identification: You express someone else's emotions: chronic anger, anxiety or sadness Identity Conflict: Your behavior swings between two poles - you live in endless conflict Lost Identity: You cannot express your "sense of self" - your life may have little meaning.Children raised as being special will never forget it. Later in life they will try to regain their special-ness in other relationships. Ordinary love is not enough, they may want to be worshipped. They may want devotees rather than friends or partners. And without their special-ness, life may not be worth living. Same sex incest is the same as regular incest and the consequesces are the same! so it should not be legal and I think if you feel that same sex incest is o.k you need counceling. I dont meen that in a negative way, I just think if you feel that way chances are that you have experinced something in you life that have been very hustfull to you emotional development, and you need to get help so you can work through it, before you hurt a child ! there is no question that icest hurt children, they can not make a choice whether or not to engage in this kind of a relationship, think about the consequences of having to choose this relationship with your mother or loose her love ! children have no choice in incest that is why it is so damaging, so pleae I urge you get counceling before you do something that can impact a child`s life to such extent.
  • Yes. As personally distasteful as I find the practice, I feel it is also wrong to legislate the behavior of consenting adults so long as they pose no danger to society. I can hear it already; some will say that this sort of "moral decay" IS harmful to society. Show me the body count. Show me the financial damages. Show me a shred of evidence that anybody has been hurt. Show me. Also note that I specifically mentioned "consenting adults". I think we all agree that any sex involving minors, regardless of whether it's incest or not, should remain illegal.
  • Real love but not sex? you are not being true on this question, I really love my brother and my father and I've not had not any sex with them ever, we are not in a incest relationship. sex is involved, don't come softening the matter, no I don't think that should be legal.
  • Actually this has happened in the past but covered up. And maybe coming more and more common as we go into the future, The lesbian movement is becoming more powerful, they are supported by the politicians, and judges. There is a noticeable increase in females who identify as lesbian, bisexual, at all ages. Huge numbers of divored single parents, or parents that never married having kids are ever more increasing ( due to the destruction of the family). The divorce rate is reported to be 60%-65%, I say the actual figure which they do not want to release is much higher, due to separation, and other factors. I am not saying this is good, the author did not ask is this good, the author only asked should it be legal. But apparently there are numerous reports of this already happening in the past and present. And it is more and more on the minds of those who would be infavor of it. Read your daily news, there are more and more sexual infraction by females, much more so than in the past, and they are increasing in numbers and seriousness. ( you may disagree ) but the judges give them much lighter sentencing , much less than a man would get for the same infraction. Sex between m/f in the same family was outlawed centuries ago because this would produce a weaker offspring which would eventually weaken the human race. But sex between to females is different as they cannot become inpregnanted. The older laws never took this in to consideration, purhaps because they assumed all relattions would end up m/f. Lesbianism is more of our daily lives, we hear about it all the time, their movement is becoming more powerful, with polical power. I am not suprised that eventually it would come to this.
  • Why does this need to be made "legal"? If consenting adults wish to involve incest in their loving, lesbian relationships, have they been getting arrested for it? Not that I know of. Should we make it legal to mix Coke and Pepsi in the same glass?
  • wow! you spew off a comment on one of my answers about how being homosexual isn't a choice and make comparisons like "if it was genetic that they would only become axe-murderers or rapists or drug dealers, etc..." ...and then you post questions like this and other answers like this... and you think we're "wrong?"
  • Children should always be allowed and able to be children first. Adults of either sex should maintain a strict hands-off policy. That said, I agree with one of the other answers that declares that the lesbian movement is more powerful, more prounounced, and more popular than ever, and for many good reasons. I think the biggest benefit that this trend could afford is that more teenage girls are open to sexual contact with other females than ever before. We can only hope that this greatly reduces the number of unplanned, unwanted pregnancies and abotions. Perhaps it may even slow down the spread of std's. I personally feel that female homosexuality is much more "normal" than male, given the roles each gender plays in today's society. Women are much more viewed as "sex symbles".
  • Children should always be allowed and able to be children first. Adults of either sex should maintain a strict hands-off policy. That said, I agree with one of the other answers that declares that the lesbian movement is more powerful, more prounounced, and more popular than ever, and for many good reasons. I think the biggest benefit that this trend could afford is that more teenage girls are open to sexual contact with other females than ever before. We can only hope that this greatly reduces the number of unplanned, unwanted pregnancies and abotions. Perhaps it may even slow down the spread of std's. I personally feel that female homosexuality is much more "normal" than male, given the roles each gender plays in today's society. Women are much more viewed as "sex symbles".
  • Children should always be allowed and able to be children first. Adults of either sex should maintain a strict hands-off policy. That said, I agree with one of the other answers that declares that the lesbian movement is more powerful, more prounounced, and more popular than ever, and for many good reasons. I think the biggest benefit that this trend could afford is that more teenage girls are open to sexual contact with other females than ever before. We can only hope that this greatly reduces the number of unplanned, unwanted pregnancies and abotions. Perhaps it may even slow down the spread of std's. I personally feel that female homosexuality is much more "normal" than male, given the roles each gender plays in today's society. Women are much more viewed as "sex symbles".
  • Yes but only if the people involved have never lived togther or formed a bond eg if two sisters who have lived apart and never as sisters were to fall in love that would be ok but two sisters who have grown up as sisters isn't really ok becos they have a sisterly relationship
  • If Gay sex is legal it should be legal all the way. What goes on inside the bedroom is not the laws business unless it is forced or hurtful to any of those involved. Adult consensual sex including incest is no ones business except those involved.
  • Yes! I agree that at least, homosexual incest should be legal (the only reason why I think heterosexual incest should be illegal is because inbred reproduction often results in deformation of the child.) But yeah. I see absolutely nothing wrong with lesbian incest. In fact, I think it is another way for families to bond with each other. If your relationship with your family members is getting bumpy or distant, a good way to still be together would be to draw towards each other using sex! For those of you who are against it because you guys claim it causes future emotional problems, well, I do not know what that bullshit is all about, but if both partners consend to having incest, I say it was their own choice! If they have emotional problems 'n shit or regret it later, well, that is their own problem & their own fault for making their own choice to having incest! For me, personally, if I had had incest, which unfortunatlely I never have, I would look back to it positively. I would probabily laugh thinking about the idea that I had sex with a family member. I would have a heightened self-esteem because I think incest is cool & is a hilarious subject to be a part of! Plus, I would be glad to know that I gave a family member pleasure & that that family member was wanting to give pleasure to me. Even though the pleasures of sex is practically selfish, it is still giving each other the positive thing of pleasure. In that, I see it as only a good thing!
  • Only as long as children are not involved.
  • When I was young,12-15 yrs old,my friends and I used to finger each other,I was first fingered by a girlfriend,she was 15,it happened on the school bus,on the way home from school,and my 15 year old sister did it to me when we were playing around at home,I was 12yrs old then,my cousin and I did it to each other a few times,one of my friends let her older brother finger her,it didn't do any of us any harm,but I don't believe that Mother-daughter Incest relationship should be legal or tolerated,we were just playing around and experimenting,that's not the case when it comes to Mother-daughter relationship,that should be different,that's love and trust.
  • Legality is always an interesting question, because it comes down to how do you enforce what goes on between two consenting adults. Assuming we aren't talking about children here, and we are talking about adults, I would still say it should not be legal. The family is supposed to provide a role in society for one to grow up a stronger, healthier, and brighter individual. The family is supposed to be structured in a fashion that provides guidance and knowledge to a person(much the same as other structures of society do, such as education, media, religion, and government). When you start placing a sexual love(which would be incest. It's not a lesbian relationship without some kind of sexual attraction) in the mix, I think you get a very different role placed on the family, and a role that conflicts with what the original purpose of the family was. Under those grounds, I see no reason why the law should not protect the natural role of family.
  • I was always taught that the primary reason for the incest taboo was to prevent the genetic consequences of inbreeding. Even before the modern understanding of genetics, people observed that the progeny of close relatives often suffered unique maladies and other weaknesses. While then attributing it to God or the gods, they still came to understand a basic truth: inbreeding leads to an increase in sickly children. With sisters, this problem is eliminated. Sisters won't get each other pregnant. So why should it be illegal for two consenting adults to do something that is the ultimate expression of their love? In fact, there is every reason to believe such a thing is natural and normal. It has been documented in bonobos, homo sapiens' closest living relative species: "Perhaps the bonobo's most typical sexual pattern, undocumented in any other primate, is genito-genital rubbing (or GG rubbing) between adult females. One female facing another clings with arms and legs to a partner that, standing on both hands and feet, lifts her off the ground. The two females then rub their genital swellings laterally together, emitting grins and squeals that probably reflect orgasmic experiences. (Laboratory experiments on stump- tailed macaques have demonstrated that women are not the only female primates capable of physiological orgasm.)" -- Frans B. M. de Waal, Bonobo Sex and Society: The behavior of a close relative challenges assumptions about male supremacy in human evolution, (Originally published in the March 1995 issue of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, pp. 82-88). Likewise, if two sisters of similar age grow up together, sharing a bedroom, even bathing together, isn't just natural that they might end up exploring their bodies together? Love, friendship, sex, and pleasure are all good things that go naturally together. If these sisters choose to share them as adults, what is the harm? There is none to them or to others. Therefore, it should not be illegal.
  • children can not legally consent to sex.....even if they are willing to with an adult........
  • I believe it is no ones business what goes on in the bedroom as long as everyone there is agreeable to what ever is taking place. this includes anything in the family that they wish to do with some commonsince of course a full grown man does not want to have sex with an infant although that is done as well and I think that is wrong! But keep the government out of the bed room is the best policy. so to answer your question yeah I think it is perfectly fine for the gals to get together and have a romp in bed together!

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