• chemical castration
  • Assuming they are male, chopping their penis and testicles off with a relatively blunt knife, all the while the molesterer is not given any drugs to reduce the pain. Make them suffer !!!
  • I think taking the absolute worst offender and castrating him and publicizing it heavily would create a pretty good deterrent, but interestingly the system won't do that even with the worst one possible.
  • A lenghty jail sentance and phycological assesment before "rehabilitation". Failing that, I would vote for a so-called "Final Solution".
  • Although is it an unbelievable crime, these molestors have problems and need help. Unfortunatley there is little help that can be offered and rightfully effective for these people so the best punishment is surgically removing was causes this problem. If removing the testicles (or whatever they can do for women) is likely to take away sexual urges, then this would be effective. BUT sexual arrosal is also triggered in the brain, so unless there can be some type of labotomy type thing done(which i haven't heard of) then i guess there is nothing just that can be done. They must be removed from the public obviously so a really long time in prison or mental institution would be the last option. Not to mention for those of u who love a good punishment story to every villan(texans lol ) most cases...people in jail who aren't molestors will torture pedophiles if they know what they did. I guess alot of them went through similar torment as a child.
  • realizing that someone saw them do it on judgment day!
  • Send 'em to a prisoner farm in Colorado.
  • Put him in jail with a bunch of big burly men who have kids of their own and love em to pieces. They'll set em straight. They may come out a little bloody, missing limbs, and not remember who they are, but that takes care of the problem, right?
  • I can't believe our society allows child molestation to be classified as only a misdemeanor! I found out a man I dated (Revered Derrick Shaffer of STL) molested his own 14 year old step-daughter! He served no time! He's still in the pulpit preaching to the youth! And he has the audacity to be counseling people on how to be a good parent and good spouse! WTF?!?! I feel for these children! He should have to sit in a jail cell and have someone 200 lbs bigger do to him what he did to his step-daughter! Sick bastard!
  • They should be lowered feet first into a vat of sulfuric acid.
  • Death.
  • Gang rape.
  • Physical castration; if that doesnt work, the revival of the guillotine might not be a bad idea.
  • Cut off the balls, and make his d*ck a he can never ever ever touch anybody again, and live with the reminder of what he did every single day of his life. Maybe he can come to terms, find peace...and accept his punishment, and become something +.
  • The weak stomached might wish to skip this. Wax his armpit hair off (assuming he has any). Then, paper-cut his nut sack and squirt lemon juice on it. Then with a pair of rusty, dull scissors, (slowly) cut open said sack. Pull out the balls (leave them attached) and stir-fry them for a good 5 minutes. Cut of the balls, and force feed them to him. Then, during the Running of the Bulls, have him being pulled around by a bull, with hooks stuck in his nipples.
  • First offense, 10 years in prison. Second offense, life in prison or death penalty. Should be up to the victim's parents.
  • Here's one key thing most everyone overlooks: Child molesters can be and are FEMALE too. Go to your local sex offender registry database; Search for offenders in your surrounding areas and chances are, some of those will be females (who were BORN females).. everyone has been answering with scenarios/punishments that can only be fit for men. What about the dirty bitches out there? Sure we should castrate the men who molest but what should we do about the women? Too bad we can't sew their vag's shut.
  • Tattoo child rapist on their forehead and throw them into prison for life, as long as it last. Put them in the general population. No special treatment or isolation.

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