• che guevara was a revolutionary. he lived to fight. obviously, he used silence as another weapon in his arsenal. silence could be used a form of passive aggressivity or as a menacing technique to cast fear & subjugate your opponents. silence can help preserve power - by strategically remaining silent on key issues and keeping your cards close to your chest, you can sabotage the opponent through the element of surprise. knowledge is power, so the less information people have, the better. silence can also be used as a weapon of subjugation...through the suffocation of the other peoples voices. forcing silence on others disempowers people, causes confusion, and instills fear. im sure che guevara was very schooled in the art of war.
  • I suppose silence makes a statement that you are not even prepared to entertain the other party's contention and that the discussion is over. Its not the best way to get people on your side but I have seen people win arguments using this tactic.

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