• Sure. Seems like a good guy. Definitely a smart guy. Terrific looking family (tho you always take a risk marrying a Princeton babe). Reputed to have a killer jump shot. Sure, I'd have him over to dinner.
  • No, don't trust the man yo...
  • Yeah, he's just fine.
  • Yes, I do. My impression is that Obama is knowledgeable, intelligent, and, in my opinion, enormously capable. He understands complex issues. He "gets it". Did everyone who said they liked Obama get -5'd?
  • Love him.
  • I don't know him personally, so I am unsure whether I would like him or not. As a public figure, I find him personable and intelligent. Hopefully, he will be able to begin the healing process our country needs.
  • No I can't stand him. He is no different from Bush. All the indications are he will continue with the Bush administration's unconstitutional and unethical activities. Unlike Bush he is articulate and charismatic and therefore much more dangerous. He has established a cult of personality around himself. People who criticize him will probably be smeared as racist. People need to realize that both parties are controlled by the same corporate interests. Obama is fascist piece of crap just like Bush. He just talks better. It really sucks to see all these naive people drinking the kool-aid.
  • I am a strong Obama Supporter. I think he will be very good for our country
  • Obama being someone who represents the United States, I have to say it's been 45 years since you have had such a personable President. Charisma, intelligence, and a heart in the right place. He seems very likable, and has clearly impressed some European leaders already.
  • Anybody but McCain has to be an improvement over what we have right now
  • I like Obama :/
  • so far, so good....but I am not an American.
  • I'll let you know in 8 months. By then, we'll have some idea of what we've got.
  • Yes, but it will take a while. He has to try hard because the whole world is watching him closely.
  • As a person? I don't know him so I can't really say either way. I know that he is charismatic, but that can be said for other historical can figure out who they were/are. As a leader? Too soon to tell. As a president elect? No, I believe that things will continue to go downhill, only at a faster pace. The only way things will improve is if he surrounds himself with experienced people who truly have the best interest of the country at heart when making decisions/policies. Go ahead and downrate...someone always does if you don't praise him like he hung the moon and walked on water while he did it. Some people just can't handle an idea or answer that isn't just what they want to hear.
  • I'm not sure. I think he's charming and I remember thinking when he made his speech during the convention prior to this past one that he might make an awesome president after he had gained some experience in government and after we got to know who he really was and how much actual substance was beneath the slick persona. However, I did not vote for him. I am truly concerned about his lack of experience and the "unknown" factor. It worries me greatly as does his political and personal connections in Chicago. So I guess the answer to your question is that he seems very likable and that I am hoping for the best, but I'm not very optimistic.
  • I'm withholding judgement until I see his performance. I looked up his voting record on during the campaign and saw that his attendence in the Senate was abysmal and that he rarely voted anything but present when he was there. I know there is a lot of behind the scenes work in the Senate, but it is hard to accomplish much when you don't show up to work and you don't vote. I've never had much respect for coworkers who don't show up and don't do their job when they are there, and it calls his character into question. However, there is a chance that he'll do better as president. So I'm going to wait and see how he does. He hasn't been doing much a the moment, however, to make me think so. The economy is in a tailspin, and so far he isn't being proactive to help calm things or to make people think he is getting ready to take command. He isn't doing much in the change department either. So far, all the people he is tapping are just ex-Clintonites. What I am pleased with though, is the effect his election is having on young black males. If he does nothing more than encourage them to step up and become leaders, then he will have done a lot. And now that he is elected, he is my president. The Bible admonishes us to pray for our leaders that we may live in peace. At the time that was written, Nero was emperor, and he was known for his capriciousness and cruelty. So it doesn't just mean pray for them if we like them. So I will be praying for President Obama, regardless of whether I ultimately come to like him or not.
  • Yes, I do like Obama.
  • I like him so far, he earned my vote, but we will see how he does once he is actually in office.
  • Adore the man! :)
  • He's a smart guy. But he isn't really president yet, and we haven't really got to know him on that level quite yet. Ran a great campaign. I like him, hell i voted for him.
  • Yes, he's sane and he listens to others.
  • He hasn't given me reason to dislike him...yet
  • Yes. So far so good. I feel he has the best interests of the country at heart. I think he will stay close to the people and try with all his might to live up to the promises he made on the campaign.
  • Whatever I say some1 is gunna hate me 4 it!!! Politics, depressing...
  • I think he's a terrorist trying to ruin this country. I believe he's a two-faced jerk and the only reason he won the election is because everyone thinks it's republicans fault we're in the economy crisis we are today and it's not. He just wants to torture people who actually did something with their lives and spread everyones wealth around. It makes me sick to see how many people are going to sit on their butts and get paid for not doing ANYTHING in this country...he's ruining the American dream. Sorry if I offended anybody. I didn't mean any harm.
  • i guess + John McCain.
  • I can't stand him.
  • I don't like some of his views
  • I like him very much and think he will make a great President.
  • Lets expect best from him!
  • The more I see the more I like. Let's hope this translates to his job.
  • I'll let you know in a year
  • Nope, not at all.
  • I don't know Obama to say whether i like him or not.
  • So far he has made some decisions that surprised me. He's doing OK so far, and he's not yet president.
  • If he upholds the promises he has made, he will gain some respect. Though, as an individual I have never met (and probably never will meet) in a completely different country than me 'liking' is not really a valid thing.
  • No. His picks for cabinet members have been totally along party-lines. If he is a change candidate, he ought to have a different approach to things. For example, if he really wanted to do something different, he could surround himself with people who DISAGREE with him vociferously. This would avoid sycophantic Group Think mentalities from emerging within his administration. I particularly despise people calling him PRESIDENT Obama. That is unprecedented as well. He has not sworn yet to uphold and defend the Constitution, so he is not yet my president. Period. Furthermore, it is becoming increasingly evident that he is not, in fact, a naturally born American citizen. As such, he is Constitutionally ineligible to hold office as president, which means he is guilty of sedition against this nation and, since he must know the origins of his own birth, conspiracy to commit fraud and subterfuge. To date, the only documentation pertaining to his birth is a proven forgery of a "Certificate of Live Birth" which never has been and never will be equivalent in any way to a birth certificate. If Barry Obama wanted to curtail the dozen or so pending court cases pending against him, all he would have to do is pull out his birth certificate saying that he is a natural born citizen. Yet instead, he had those records sealed. The DNC freely admits that they never reviewed his birth certificate or citizenship status. What are we doing in this nation? What's next, Arnold Schwarzenegger running for president? Because he's stated that he wants to. Illegality aside, I don't trust politicians with ties to Chicago. 99% of them are crooked and the other 1% are REALLY crooked. I think this man will prove to be a liar and a cheat. Some people have tried to denounce me as a racist for not supporting him. This is an absurdity. He is more white than he is black. His mother was white. Several outspoken African American community leaders have stated that they do not consider Barack Hussein Obama to be an African American because he was born of a white womb. Don't get me wrong, I think this mentality is fairly racist in and of itself, but they do raise an interesting point. ARE there any politicians of color who had a non-white womb give birth to them? I'm sure there are some, but in this case, he is the bastard child of a white woman whose black father abandoned him. Not really a shining example of African Americans at their best, so I should think many blacks in this nation would be rather ashamed that the first black man to be president came from such dubious origins. In case you have read this far and are incensed and saying "Ok, chum, who SHOULD we vote for," here is my suggestion: anyone who has a track record of supporting the Constitution. So Ron Paul or Chuck Baldwin or maybe even Dennis Kucinich, though his love for Medicare is thoroughly unconstitutional. At least Kucinich doesn't want to put a camera on every street corner and school building in America to try to convince you you're secure enough to give up your right to own a weapon. I suggest we READ the Constitutionn, cover to cover. I mean even a pocket version with big print is about 20 pages or less. More college students have read the Communist Manifesto than the Constitution of the United States of America. Anyone see something wrong with this? I do. No wonder we elect big government, big tax fat cats to represent us: we lack a quality definition of liberty. Hosea says "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Educate yourselves, friends and countrymen, because the government isn't doing a very good job of doing it for you, nor is the media. In closing, I want to just say a prayer that God will soften the hearts of the leaders and citizens of this country so that they may turn back to His word. I pray that God almighty will heal our nation and our land. I pray that He will give comfort to the broken and rescue the perishing. I pray in Jesus' name, amen.
  • Nope he lost me a typical white person who values his 1st & 2nd amendment rights. His Church of 20 years value system: Disavowal of the Pursuit of “Middleclassness” Classic methodology on control of captives teaches that captors must keep the captive ignorant educationally, but trained sufficiently well to serve the system. Also, the captors must be able to identify the “talented tenth” of those subjugated, especially those who show promise of providing the kind of leadership that might threaten the captor’s control. Those so identified as separated from the rest of the people by: Killing them off directly, and/or fostering a social system that encourages them to kill off one another. Placing them in concentration camps, and/or structuring an economic environment that induces captive youth to fill the jails and prisons. Seducing them into a socioeconomic class system which while training them to earn more dollars, hypnotizes them into believing they are better than others and teaches them to think in terms of “we” and “they” instead of “us”…
  • I like him about as much as I'd like any politician: not at all.
  • not really I voted for Mc Cain but he is my president and I wish him much success
  • I would not know. Never met the man.
  • So far.
  • Until the PATRIOT ACT is repealed, I'll never again trust a U.S. president. That law is tyrannical.
  • he hasnt had a chance to do anything, but than again he is already been annointed the massia, so yeh im jumpin onboard, duh, he's great!!yeh man
  • No he is a socialist. He is going to drag this country into the toilet by trying to nationalize everything. He has already started with the banks, helathcare next, the auto industry and who knows what after that. Socialism DOES NOT work. In his first week in office he has already passed legislation promoting the killing of innocent babies and to coddle & give rights to known terrorists. It's gonna be a long 4 years.
  • Yes I do like him. Many Canadians like him as well. He is very popular here in Canada. I think he will do great things for the USA and other countries around the world. He just needs time to prove himself to all the doubters out there.
  • I have no idea. He's really an unknown quantity and his handlers made a point of keeping him just an "image" for the entire election. I'm suspicious of that. I'll reserve judgment until I know more of him. So far, to me, he's an empty suit.
  • How can you like someone that never looks you right in the eye when he speaks to you? This shows he has no self-confidence and he's just hoping he can get by in the conversation! He's very shifty and twichy! When he does speak he uses the word 'got' often, and grammatically incorrectly!
  • As a Canadian the Best I have ever seen! I have great hope!
  • Very much.
  • Yes I do. I like his outlook on things in general.
  • I have nothing against the man personally, why would I I don't even know him. Now his policies are a different story but the jury is still out on that.
  • I... am currently viewing his actions without leaning any particular way. I personally would have preferred to see McCain as president, but just because Obama is up there does not mean that I am automatically going to hate him. I am simply going to view his actions for a while before I truly make my decision.
  • No. Although I do not hate him, I don't care for the man. I guess it stems from the fact that I don't trust him him any further than I can throw Delaware.
  • Still undecided. But he's a damn sight better than McSame and Failin' Palin.

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